Yahweasel / libav.js

This is a compilation of the libraries associated with handling audio and video in ffmpeg—libavformat, libavcodec, libavfilter, libavutil, libswresample, and libswscale—for emscripten, and thus the web.
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Prebuilt Files #1

Closed BobbyShoe closed 3 years ago

BobbyShoe commented 3 years ago

Do you have any prebuilt files available? I am not having any luck getting the make files to work on windows.


Yahweasel commented 3 years ago

I didn't, but there's absolutely no reason for that. I've just released, complete with prebuilt files for all included variants, which you can find at https://github.com/Yahweasel/libav.js/releases/tag/v2.3.4.4 .