Yakoo63 / gtalksms

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help needed: tried versions from f-droid (version 4.4.1) over 4.4.2 up to this, can't make it work :( #287

Open TupambaeNet opened 4 months ago

TupambaeNet commented 4 months ago

Hi there, I'm really in need of this as I'm off-grid in a distant place where in only a few specific places I can place my cell phone to get access to a cell tower as a wifi-hotspot and bluetooth hand free phone. I tried with an android 6 (samsung J2) and an android 7 (Cyrus CM17SA). I tried several jabber/XMPP server including jabber.ccc.de yet I can't make this work.

Best I managed to do is getting from a red call button to a blue call button and the status message "Waiting". GTalkSMS_blueButton I connected the different XMPP address with pidgin and gayim, tried different Server for the two addresses but just can't managed to make this work.

I live off grid in south america for an environmental protection project, on solar panels and my connection to a cell tower is somewhere in a specific point in the roof, in a space 40x40cm, no kidding! Other options are some place outside the house, a branch in a tree, a specific spot on the terrace. There for I use one cellphone only for the internet connection as a WIFI hotspot. It is connected to a battery , a solar-charge controller with USB and a solar panel. I can handle SMS over kdeconnect with my laptop yet can't place calls. I use bluetooth hands free for microphone and headset so I can receive calls and even call the last dialed number as my headset is actually for a motorcycle helmet (Vnetphone).

My "nearly offline/offgrid" usecase isn't to uncommon, actually I live in the country with best internet coverage around here yet there are lot's of places that are "in the middle of nowhere" or where the cell tower coverage "just in this specific place" is terrible.

I actually could buy a special device with extra antennas and what not, yet only would have Internet connection via WIFI-hotspot but not the phone part, and that device could cost me more than a common cheap cellphone. So for use-cases like mine an android6/7/8 device just for the antenna would be first choice probably for decades to come, if I only could something like GTalkSMS get to work. XMPP isn't going anywhere and with OMEMO encryption even security issues that I found in GTalkSMS discussion would be solved if you can integrate it into your project!

Any help is absolutely appreciated, you also may find me in the fediVesre (see profile)!