Yalantis / uCrop

Image Cropping Library for Android
11.85k stars 2.15k forks source link

Why Administrator do not merge PR in the recent month? #715

Open canven opened 3 years ago

canven commented 3 years ago

I find lots of PR which is useful, but it seems no person to handle it?
Have anybody can help to merge PR as below?

feat(i18n): update Simplified and traditional Chinese language #533

gianpaolodn commented 3 years ago

The repo seems abandoned to me

fabio-blanco commented 3 years ago

The repo seems abandoned to me

I had the same perception. I will probably start a forked project based on this. Just waiting to see if I get some interaction.

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

This fork seems to have the most recent activity based on the github dependency graph - hey @simpson-keyvalue - this is easily the biggest crop library on github by community size, and has other ecosystems (like react-native's crop) that ride on it, making it a very large audience. You seem like the most active current coder. Perhaps a call for contributors and sharing access on your repo along with a roadmap and you're in business with lots of helpers :thinking: ?

simpson-keyvalue commented 3 years ago

hey @mikehardy , I had a requirement for one of my projects, which is why I forked and worked on it separately. My modification was to make this capable of processing multiple images.

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

Ah ha :-) - probably not exactly on target to host the whole community then ;-). @fabio-blanco you might be it! All the fame and glory and internet points could be yours

fabio-blanco commented 3 years ago

Ah ha :-) - probably not exactly on target to host the whole community then ;-). @fabio-blanco you might be it! All the fame and glory and internet points could be yours

Yes, as I've stated before, I will start a forked project based on this. I'm working on a personal project at the present moment and this is taking all my time in this days but as soon as I can I intend to change some things on the project to make clear it is a forked project, maybe do some improvements in one or other thing too and I will see if it is possible to do what I've done in the #732 pool request but in the native branch in order to save it. Until I do this, maybe the Yalantis folks may decide to not let this repository die. If they don't then I will go on. But I will not do this for fame nor glory, I will do this just to keep the project alive. I have plans on using this lib on my own personal projects too.

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

I was joking about the fame/glory of course :-) - I just incorporated this in https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/ (open source app with nearly 2MM daily users and donations to fund development) so I'll have some time to help for sure, though I won't have time to manage the community

And of course if the Yalantis folks want to keep it alive (perhaps by sharing out the power somewhat, allowing others to be able to review/merge/release?) I'm always happy to collaborate personally. Forks are a last resort but if there is no activity here we won't be able to avoid it

fabio-blanco commented 3 years ago

I was joking about the fame/glory of course :-)

Yeah, I know it... And I also know that it has a lot more of work than fame and glory :)

I just incorporated this in https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/ (open source app with nearly 2MM daily users and donations to fund development) so I'll have some time to help for sure, though I won't have time to manage the community

Nice project. Time is indeed a scarce resource. I'm always dealing with it.

And of course if the Yalantis folks want to keep it alive (perhaps by sharing out the power somewhat, allowing others to be able to review/merge/release?) I'm always happy to collaborate personally. Forks are a last resort but if there is no activity here we won't be able to avoid it

I agree.

vcuk21 commented 3 years ago

I maybe can make a suggestion... not based on this library, but fix the issue @fabio-blanco did here https://github.com/Yalantis/uCrop/pull/732 (when OS 10/11)

There is this new repo. Is a Handover from ArthurHub Image Crop https://github.com/CanHub/Android-Image-Cropper

ArthurHub had 5k stars, this new CanHub lib had 1k downloads in the begin of the year and now has 4k, so look like is growing.

I took the time and changed from uCrop to this one. Still missing some features but is working in all OSs and I can see people activily working on this.

For sure we can drop some PRs there.

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@vcuk21 from that library:

Step 3. Add permissions to manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

That is not okay in 2021

This library actually works (without needing external storage unless I am missing something) for the current Android levels and looks pretty good. Just needs a home.

Canato commented 3 years ago

@vcuk21 from that library:

Step 3. Add permissions to manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

That is not okay in 2021

This library actually works (without needing external storage unless I am missing something) for the current Android levels and looks pretty good. Just needs a home.

I can answer this @mikehardy

We make the decision of keep the permission for devices on OS 9 or under.

This is because there is a know bugs with some devices in some OS, mostly common in Huawei phones when we get the scope URI.

Só to avoid this cases in previous OS we keep the old external storage permission working.

This bought more stability with the permissions and scope storage changes.

But you are right we don't need for OS 10 or 11. I will update the documentation soon, to add "maxSDK" parameter to this permissions

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@Canato interesting! I'm familiar with that believe it or not :sweat_smile: - I'm still not sure you need external storage, you can internalize files to cache. You might like https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/pull/6543/files#diff-ed0d7051166502bcfca45541b88fdec2d4d86fb7c385a55bb6663274543d7efaR649-R755

Canato commented 3 years ago

@Canato interesting! I'm familiar with that believe it or not 😅 - I'm still not sure you need external storage, you can internalize files to cache. You might like https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/pull/6543/files#diff-ed0d7051166502bcfca45541b88fdec2d4d86fb7c385a55bb6663274543d7efaR649-R755

Indeed a Android issue, cause when we use Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES and this return a path that should be default, but some companies changed this for any reason, breaking the code.

I did a high level check on this Merged PR, I'm in holidays and without laptop until monday, so trying to hold myself hehehe. Still I need to understand better how you achieve the issue with some label URI path problems. I saw this code:

    uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(mActivity, mActivity.getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".apkgfileprovider", file);
} else {
    uri = Uri.fromFile(file);

And I tried it before, but keep the issue in some cases.

And with external-cache-path would we need some cache cleaning after some time?

In the end I got this hack and not optimal code https://github.com/CanHub/Android-Image-Cropper/blob/main/cropper/src/main/java/com/canhub/cropper/utils/GetUriForFile.kt Is ugly and I want to revisit, but was tested on 4M devices on production and was working in all OSs from 5 to 11 and diverse labels, from Huawei, Pixel to Samsungs etc

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

Enjoy your holidays! None of this is a rush at all :-)

It may be that we (AnkiDroid) still have issues on certain devices. We haven't had reports of any recently but we certainly were not cropping with Android 11, thus my interest in uCrop (which we integrated for Android 11 only to this point) and thus maybe Android-Image-Cropper


Altonss commented 2 years ago

I found a bug with the tool incorporated in the app Catima with Android 5.0.1 https://github.com/TheLastProject/Catima/issues/636. So is this library still developed or has a fork been continued?

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

No merge here since August 2020. https://github.com/CanHub/Android-Image-Cropper had a merge 14 days ago.

Altonss commented 2 years ago

No merge here since August 2020. https://github.com/CanHub/Android-Image-Cropper had a merge 14 days ago.

Thanks for the recommendation! Are you using this library on AnkiDroid and does it fit your needs?

fabio-blanco commented 2 years ago

No merge here since August 2020.

That's not true. My PR #732 was merged on 25/05/2021. But this was only for the non native version. Yet things here seems to be a little bit stagnated.

Altonss commented 2 years ago

Ah yes sorry I didn't see that. What is the difference between the branches?

fabio-blanco commented 2 years ago

Ah yes sorry I didn't see that. What is the difference between the branches?

It means that the latest version has Android 10+ support but has no native version available. Unfortunately I had no time to research more on the native version in order to implement functionalities equivalent from what I did at the #732 PR.

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

No merge here since August 2020. https://github.com/CanHub/Android-Image-Cropper had a merge 14 days ago.

Thanks for the recommendation! Are you using this library on AnkiDroid and does it fit your needs?

yes and yes

Canato commented 2 years ago

Version 4.0.0 released just now, many changes, need good tests XD