Yale-LILY / LectureBank

LectureBank Dataset
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datasets and code #8

Open hongxiaDu opened 2 years ago

hongxiaDu commented 2 years ago

hi, thanks for the code. In the paper R-VGAE, Sime-supervised uses concept-concept edges, but in the code there is only document-concept, document-document adjacency matrix. if args.ds.startswith('tf'): if args.labels == 'y': adj_cd, adj_dd, features, tags_nodes = my_load_data_tfidf_semi(args.wmd) else: adj_cd, adj_dd, features = my_load_data_tfidf(args.wmd)

  1. I want to know where concept-concept edge is used?
  2. When using TF-IDF as the embedding feature, how is the feature of the concept obtained?
  3. I know the tags of concepts are 0-321, what are the tags of documents?