Currently, the teller has support for API routes but the live teller used for the demo in PR does not expose the endpoint via https so others can connect to it. The teller does not have support for tokens which it should have in order to prevent dos attacks potentially impacting energy accumulation. For this, a few factors need to be considered:
Is the teller API open to everyone or just the platform
Will exposing the API negatively affect the performance of the teller in terms of heat and other dynamics which we may not be aware of
These need to be clarified upon before we can expose the live teller.
Currently, the teller has support for API routes but the live teller used for the demo in PR does not expose the endpoint via https so others can connect to it. The teller does not have support for tokens which it should have in order to prevent dos attacks potentially impacting energy accumulation. For this, a few factors need to be considered:
These need to be clarified upon before we can expose the live teller.