YaleSTC / reservations

Manage equipment loans & reservations. Who can borrow what, for how long?
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Editing blackouts is broken #1771

Closed orenyk closed 4 years ago

orenyk commented 5 years ago
I, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.846657 #32229]  INFO -- : Started GET "/bmec/blackouts/174/edit" for at 2019-03-22 14:55:30 -0400
I, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.849177 #32229]  INFO -- : Processing by BlackoutsController#edit as HTML
I, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.849721 #32229]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"id"=>"174"}
I, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.875221 #32229]  INFO -- :   Rendering blackouts/edit.html.erb within layouts/application
I, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.949928 #32229]  INFO -- :   Rendered blackouts/_form.html.erb (70.2ms)
I, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.950772 #32229]  INFO -- :   Rendered blackouts/edit.html.erb within layouts/application (74.7ms)
I, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.951847 #32229]  INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 101ms (ActiveRecord: 8.3ms)
F, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.953568 #32229] FATAL -- :   
F, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.954257 #32229] FATAL -- : ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `f' for #<#<Class:0x007f610e314630>:0x007f610dfaf4b8>):
F, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.955215 #32229] FATAL -- :     1:   <%= f.input :blackout_type, label: 'Blackout Type', collection: [['Blackout',"hard"],['Notice Only',"soft"]] %>
    2:   <div class="form-group">
    3:     <%= label_tag :start_date, 'Start of Blackout', class: 'col-sm-2 control-label' %>
    4:     <div class="col-sm-7">
F, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.956009 #32229] FATAL -- :   
F, [2019-03-22T14:55:30.956688 #32229] FATAL -- : app/views/blackouts/_form.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_blackouts__form_html_erb__544353010547374392_70027411486980'
app/views/blackouts/edit.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_blackouts_edit_html_erb__2907523456950332227_70027411554040'
ghost commented 4 years ago

Note: Editing a blackout whose start and end date fall within an active reservation fails