YaleSTC / reservations

Manage equipment loans & reservations. Who can borrow what, for how long?
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"Recall" Button #289

Open caseywatts opened 12 years ago

caseywatts commented 12 years ago

When STC has finished repairing a laptop we want to recall laptops, so the admin currently changes the due date to be sooner. Also before break, etc we want to recall them all.

We could facilitate this with a recall button which changes the due date and sends another email to the student with a different precomposed body.

Recall button

  1. Should appear on the specific reservation page
  2. Have form input for the new due date, auto-set to an admin preference (2 days for STC)
  3. When form submits, confirm (jspopup? modal box?) that reservation has a new end_date
  4. Update end_date in controller
  5. Also when form submits, an email is generated to the student. This is an additional email for the admin settings to write.

    "Recall all" button

(if it's easy enough to implement at the same time): Mostly the same, but it should appear on the model or category page to recall all equipment of a specific category/model.

orenyk commented 10 years ago

This shouldn't actually be too hard to implement, but I'm sticking in the Wish List for now for feasibility.

orenyk commented 9 years ago

I feel like this is independent of the JS rewrite (should it ever happen), so I'm sticking this back in the Wish List.