Yamato-Security / hayabusa

Hayabusa (隼) is a sigma-based threat hunting and fast forensics timeline generator for Windows event logs.
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Display `Data` fields in indexed string #1371

Closed YamatoSecurity closed 2 months ago

YamatoSecurity commented 2 months ago

@fukusuket Sorry I think this is going to be a difficult issue, but I think you will like it. 😉 Please let me know if you are interested in implementing it.

Right now, all of the unnamed Data fields get outputted as the same Data so first it is hard to tell which position they are in without looking up the original XML data in Event Viewer, etc... Second, using arrays will cause problems when importing into Elastic and maybe other SIEMs. Third, the position will change depending on whether fields are defined in Details or not, making extraction difficult as the index number may change suddenly.

To fix these problems, I want to output the Data fields like they are used for when extracting data.

For example: ./target/release/hayabusa csv-timeline -d ../hayabusa-sample-evtx -w -r rules/hayabusa/builtin/System/Sys_6009_Info_ComputerStartup.yml

This rule uses details: 'MajorVer: %Data[1]% ¦ BuildNum: %Data[2]%' so only will get data from the first and second fields. However, there is more data:

            <Data />
            <Data>Multiprocessor Free</Data>

Right now, the output looks like this:

2016-09-20 22:07:41.000 +09:00 · Computer Startup · info · IE10Win7 · Sys · 6009 · 8273 · MajorVer: 6.01. ¦ BuildNum: 7601 · Data: 17514 ¦ Data: Multiprocessor Free ¦ Data: Service Pack 1

But I want to change it to:

2016-09-20 22:07:41.000 +09:00 · Computer Startup · info · IE10Win7 · Sys · 6009 · 8273 · MajorVer: 6.01. ¦ BuildNum: 7601 · Data[3]: 17514 ¦ Data[4]: Multiprocessor Free ¦ Data[5]: Service Pack 1

For JSON timelines (Example: ./target/release/hayabusa json-timeline -d ../hayabusa-sample-evtx -w -r rules/hayabusa/builtin/System/Sys_6009_Info_ComputerStartup.yml)


    "Timestamp": "2016-09-20 22:07:41.000 +09:00",
    "RuleTitle": "Computer Startup",
    "Level": "info",
    "Computer": "IE10Win7",
    "Channel": "Sys",
    "EventID": 6009,
    "RecordID": 8273,
    "Details": {
        "MajorVer": "6.01.",
        "BuildNum": 7601
    "ExtraFieldInfo": {
        "Data": ["17514", "Multiprocessor Free", "Service Pack 1"]


    "Timestamp": "2016-09-20 22:07:41.000 +09:00",
    "RuleTitle": "Computer Startup",
    "Level": "info",
    "Computer": "IE10Win7",
    "Channel": "Sys",
    "EventID": 6009,
    "RecordID": 8273,
    "Details": {
        "MajorVer": "6.01.",
        "BuildNum": 7601
    "ExtraFieldInfo": {
        "Data[3]": "17514", 
        "Data[4]": "Multiprocessor Free", 
        "Data[5]": "Service Pack 1"

What do you think?

fukusuket commented 2 months ago

@YamatoSecurity Yes I like this :) www I would love to implement it💪

Depending on the difficulty of implementation, I may create separate pull requests for csv and json!

fukusuket commented 2 months ago

Current impl memo:

Related Struct

Related Sequence

  1. detections/detection.rs#create_log_record

    fn create_log_record(
        rule: &RuleNode,
        record_info: &EvtxRecordInfo,
        stored_static: &StoredStatic,
    ) -> DetectInfo {
    let mut profile_converter: HashMap<&str, Profile> = HashMap::new();
  2. detections/message.rs#create_message

    pub fn create_message(
    event_record: &Value,
    output: CompactString,
    mut detect_info: DetectInfo,
    profile_converter: &HashMap<&str, Profile>,
    (is_agg, is_json_timeline): (bool, bool),
    (eventkey_alias, field_data_map_key, field_data_map): (
    ) -> DetectInfo {
  3. detections/message.rs#parse_message

    pub fn parse_message(
    event_record: &Value,
    output: &CompactString,
    eventkey_alias: &EventKeyAliasConfig,
    json_timeline_flag: bool,
    field_data_map_key: &FieldDataMapKey,
    field_data_map: &Option<FieldDataMap>,
    ) -> (CompactString, Vec<CompactString>) {
    let mut hash_map: Vec<(CompactString, Vec<CompactString>)> = vec![];
    let details_key: Vec<&str> = output.split(" ¦ ").collect();
    for caps in ALIASREGEX.captures_iter(&return_message) {
        let suffix_match = SUFFIXREGEX.captures(target_str);
        let suffix: i64 = match suffix_match {
    let mut details_key_and_value: Vec<CompactString> = vec![];
    for (k, v) in hash_map.iter() {
        // JSON出力の場合は各種のaliasを置き換える処理はafterfactの出力用の関数で行うため、ここでは行わない
        if !json_timeline_flag {
            return_message = CompactString::new(return_message.replace(k.as_str(), v[0].as_str()));
        for detail_contents in details_key.iter() {
            if detail_contents.contains(k.as_str()) {
                let key = detail_contents.split_once(": ").unwrap_or_default().0;
                details_key_and_value.push(format!("{}: {}", key, v[0]).into());
    (return_message, details_key_and_value)
  4. detections/message.rs#parse_message

                    let recinfo =
                        utils::create_recordinfos(event_record, field_data_map_key, field_data_map);
  5. detections/utils.rs#_collect_recordinfo

                if arr_index > 0 {
                    let (field_data_map, field_data_map_key) = filed_data_converter;
                    let i = arr_index + 1;
                    let field = format!("{parent_key}[{i}]",).to_lowercase();
                    if let Some(map) = field_data_map {
                        let converted_str = convert_field_data(
                        if let Some(converted_str) = converted_str {
                            strval = converted_str.to_string();
                output.insert((parent_key.to_string(), strval));