Closed fukusuket closed 1 week ago
fukusuke@MacBookAir hayabusa-2.19.0-mac-aarch64 % ./hayabusa csv-timeline -h
Hayabusa v2.19.0 - Dev Build
Yamato Security ( - @SecurityYamato)
hayabusa.exe csv-timeline <INPUT> [OPTIONS]
-d, --directory <DIR> Directory of multiple .evtx files
-f, --file <FILE> File path to one .evtx file
-l, --live-analysis Analyze the local C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs folder
General Options:
-C, --clobber Overwrite files when saving
-b, --disable-abbreviations Disable abbreviations
-h, --help Show the help menu
-J, --JSON-input Scan JSON formatted logs instead of .evtx (.json or .jsonl)
-w, --no-wizard Do not ask questions. Scan for all events and alerts
-Q, --quiet-errors Quiet errors mode: do not save error logs
-x, --recover-records Carve evtx records from slack space (default: disabled)
-r, --rules <DIR/FILE> Specify a custom rule directory or file (default: ./rules)
-c, --rules-config <DIR> Specify custom rule config directory (default: ./rules/config)
-s, --sort-events Sort events before saving the file. (warning: this uses much more memory!)
-t, --threads <NUMBER> Number of threads (default: optimal number for performance)
--target-file-ext <FILE-EXT...> Specify additional evtx file extensions (ex: evtx_data)
-E, --EID-filter Scan only common EIDs for faster speed (./rules/config/target_event_IDs.txt)
-A, --enable-all-rules Enable all rules regardless of loaded evtx files (disable channel filter for rules)
-D, --enable-deprecated-rules Enable rules with a status of deprecated
-n, --enable-noisy-rules Enable rules set to noisy (./rules/config/noisy_rules.txt)
-u, --enable-unsupported-rules Enable rules with a status of unsupported
-e, --exact-level <LEVEL> Only load rules with a specific level (informational, low, medium, high, critical)
--exclude-category <CATEGORY...> Do not load rules with specified logsource categories (ex: process_creation,pipe_created)
--exclude-computer <COMPUTER...> Do not scan specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--exclude-eid <EID...> Do not scan specific EIDs for faster speed (ex: 1) (ex: 1,4688)
--exclude-status <STATUS...> Do not load rules according to status (ex: experimental) (ex: stable,test)
--exclude-tag <TAG...> Do not load rules with specific tags (ex: sysmon)
--include-category <CATEGORY...> Only load rules with specified logsource categories (ex: process_creation,pipe_created)
--include-computer <COMPUTER...> Scan only specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--include-eid <EID...> Scan only specified EIDs for faster speed (ex: 1) (ex: 1,4688)
--include-status <STATUS...> Only load rules with specific status (ex: experimental) (ex: stable,test)
--include-tag <TAG...> Only load rules with specific tags (ex: attack.execution,attack.discovery)
-m, --min-level <LEVEL> Minimum level for rules to load (default: informational)
-P, --proven-rules Scan with only proven rules for faster speed (./rules/config/proven_rules.txt)
-a, --scan-all-evtx-files Scan all evtx files regardless of loaded rules (disable channel filter for evtx files)
--time-offset <OFFSET> Scan recent events based on an offset (ex: 1y, 3M, 30d, 24h, 30m)
--timeline-end <DATE> End time of the event logs to load (ex: "2022-02-22 23:59:59 +09:00")
--timeline-start <DATE> Start time of the event logs to load (ex: "2020-02-22 00:00:00 +09:00")
-G, --GeoIP <MAXMIND-DB-DIR> Add GeoIP (ASN, city, country) info to IP addresses
-H, --HTML-report <FILE> Save Results Summary details to an HTML report (ex: results.html)
-M, --multiline Output event field information in multiple rows
-F, --no-field-data-mapping Disable field data mapping
--no-pwsh-field-extraction Disable field extraction of PowerShell classic logs
-o, --output <FILE> Save the timeline in CSV format (ex: results.csv)
-p, --profile <PROFILE> Specify output profile
-R, --remove-duplicate-data Duplicate field data will be replaced with "DUP"
-X, --remove-duplicate-detections Remove duplicate detections (default: disabled)
Display Settings:
--no-color Disable color output
-N, --no-summary Do not display Results Summary for faster speed
-q, --quiet Quiet mode: do not display the launch banner
-v, --verbose Output verbose information
-T, --visualize-timeline Output event frequency timeline (terminal needs to support unicode)
Time Format:
--European-time Output timestamp in European time format (ex: 22-02-2022 22:00:00.123 +02:00)
-O, --ISO-8601 Output timestamp in original ISO-8601 format (ex: 2022-02-22T10:10:10.1234567Z) (Always UTC)
--RFC-2822 Output timestamp in RFC 2822 format (ex: Fri, 22 Feb 2022 22:00:00 -0600)
--RFC-3339 Output timestamp in RFC 3339 format (ex: 2022-02-22 22:00:00.123456-06:00)
--US-military-time Output timestamp in US military time format (ex: 02-22-2022 22:00:00.123 -06:00)
--US-time Output timestamp in US time format (ex: 02-22-2022 10:00:00.123 PM -06:00)
-U, --UTC Output time in UTC format (default: local time)
% ./hayabusa csv-timeline -d ../hayabusa-sample-evtx/EVTX-to-MITRE-Attack/Antivirus -q -w -b
Start time: 2024/11/15 11:10
Total event log files: 2
Total file size: 2.2 MB
Loading detection rules. Please wait.
Excluded rules: 26
Noisy rules: 12 (Disabled)
Deprecated rules: 216 (5.01%) (Disabled)
Experimental rules: 373 (8.65%)
Stable rules: 241 (5.59%)
Test rules: 3,700 (85.77%)
Unsupported rules: 42 (0.97%) (Disabled)
Correlation rules: 3 (0.07%)
Correlation referenced rules: 3 (0.07%)
Hayabusa rules: 175
Sigma rules: 4,139
Total detection rules: 4,314
Creating the channel filter. Please wait.
Evtx files loaded after channel filter: 2
Detection rules enabled after channel filter: 29
Output profile: standard
Scanning in progress. Please wait.
Timestamp ยท RuleTitle ยท Level ยท Computer ยท Channel ยท EventID ยท RecordID ยท Details ยท ExtraFieldInfo
2020-12-11 21:28:01.299 +09:00 ยท Defender Alert (High) ยท high ยท WIN10-client01.offsec.lan ยท Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational ยท 1116 ยท 171 ยท Threat: HackTool:Win64/Mikatz!dha ยฆ Severity: High ยฆ Type: Tool ยฆ User: OFFSEC\admmig ยฆ Path: file:_C:\Users\admmig\Documents\mimidrv.sys ยฆ Proc: C:\Windows\explorer.exe ยท Action ID: 9 ยฆ Action Name: Not Applicable ยฆ Additional Actions ID: 0 ยฆ Additional Actions String: No additional actions required ยฆ Category ID: 34 ยฆ Detection ID: {82C6A580-0C4C-48BD-A0AC-6D3DE58FDABB} ยฆ Detection Time: 2020-12-11T12:28:01.177Z ยฆ Engine Version: AM: 1.1.17600.5, NIS: 1.1.17600.5 ยฆ Error Code: 0x00000000 ยฆ Error Description: The operation completed successfully. ยฆ Execution ID: 1 ยฆ Execution Name: Suspended ยฆ FWLink:!dha&threatid=2147705511&enterprise=0 ยฆ Origin ID: 1 ยฆ Origin Name: Local machine ยฆ Post Clean Status: 0 ยฆ Pre Execution Status: 0 ยฆ Product Name: Microsoft Defender Antivirus ยฆ Product Version: 4.18.2011.6 ยฆ Security intelligence Version: AV: 1.327.2245.0, AS: 1.327.2245.0, NIS: 1.327.2245.0 ยฆ Severity ID: 4 ยฆ Source ID: 3 ยฆ Source Name: Real-Time Protection ยฆ State: 1 ยฆ Status Code: 1 ยฆ Threat ID: 2147705511 ยฆ Type ID: 0 ยฆ Type Name: Concrete
% ./hayabusa json-timeline -h
Hayabusa v2.19.0 - Dev Build
Yamato Security ( - @SecurityYamato)
hayabusa.exe json-timeline <INPUT> [OPTIONS]
-d, --directory <DIR> Directory of multiple .evtx files
-f, --file <FILE> File path to one .evtx file
-l, --live-analysis Analyze the local C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs folder
General Options:
-C, --clobber Overwrite files when saving
-b, --disable-abbreviations Disable abbreviations
-h, --help Show the help menu
-J, --JSON-input Scan JSON formatted logs instead of .evtx (.json or .jsonl)
-w, --no-wizard Do not ask questions. Scan for all events and alerts
-Q, --quiet-errors Quiet errors mode: do not save error logs
-x, --recover-records Carve evtx records from slack space (default: disabled)
-r, --rules <DIR/FILE> Specify a custom rule directory or file (default: ./rules)
-c, --rules-config <DIR> Specify custom rule config directory (default: ./rules/config)
-s, --sort-events Sort events before saving the file. (warning: this uses much more memory!)
-t, --threads <NUMBER> Number of threads (default: optimal number for performance)
--target-file-ext <FILE-EXT...> Specify additional evtx file extensions (ex: evtx_data)
-E, --EID-filter Scan only common EIDs for faster speed (./rules/config/target_event_IDs.txt)
-A, --enable-all-rules Enable all rules regardless of loaded evtx files (disable channel filter for rules)
-D, --enable-deprecated-rules Enable rules with a status of deprecated
-n, --enable-noisy-rules Enable rules set to noisy (./rules/config/noisy_rules.txt)
-u, --enable-unsupported-rules Enable rules with a status of unsupported
-e, --exact-level <LEVEL> Only load rules with a specific level (informational, low, medium, high, critical)
--exclude-category <CATEGORY...> Do not load rules with specified logsource categories (ex: process_creation,pipe_created)
--exclude-computer <COMPUTER...> Do not scan specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--exclude-eid <EID...> Do not scan specific EIDs for faster speed (ex: 1) (ex: 1,4688)
--exclude-status <STATUS...> Do not load rules according to status (ex: experimental) (ex: stable,test)
--exclude-tag <TAG...> Do not load rules with specific tags (ex: sysmon)
--include-category <CATEGORY...> Only load rules with specified logsource categories (ex: process_creation,pipe_created)
--include-computer <COMPUTER...> Scan only specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--include-eid <EID...> Scan only specified EIDs for faster speed (ex: 1) (ex: 1,4688)
--include-status <STATUS...> Only load rules with specific status (ex: experimental) (ex: stable,test)
--include-tag <TAG...> Only load rules with specific tags (ex: attack.execution,attack.discovery)
-m, --min-level <LEVEL> Minimum level for rules to load (default: informational)
-P, --proven-rules Scan with only proven rules for faster speed (./rules/config/proven_rules.txt)
-a, --scan-all-evtx-files Scan all evtx files regardless of loaded rules (disable channel filter for evtx files)
--time-offset <OFFSET> Scan recent events based on an offset (ex: 1y, 3M, 30d, 24h, 30m)
--timeline-end <DATE> End time of the event logs to load (ex: "2022-02-22 23:59:59 +09:00")
--timeline-start <DATE> Start time of the event logs to load (ex: "2020-02-22 00:00:00 +09:00")
-G, --GeoIP <MAXMIND-DB-DIR> Add GeoIP (ASN, city, country) info to IP addresses
-H, --HTML-report <FILE> Save Results Summary details to an HTML report (ex: results.html)
-L, --JSONL-output Save the timeline in JSONL format (ex: -L -o results.jsonl)
-F, --no-field-data-mapping Disable field data mapping
--no-pwsh-field-extraction Disable field extraction of PowerShell classic logs
-o, --output <FILE> Save the timeline in JSON format (ex: results.json)
-p, --profile <PROFILE> Specify output profile
-R, --remove-duplicate-data Duplicate field data will be replaced with "DUP"
-X, --remove-duplicate-detections Remove duplicate detections (default: disabled)
Display Settings:
--no-color Disable color output
-N, --no-summary Do not display Results Summary for faster speed
-q, --quiet Quiet mode: do not display the launch banner
-v, --verbose Output verbose information
-T, --visualize-timeline Output event frequency timeline (terminal needs to support unicode)
Time Format:
--European-time Output timestamp in European time format (ex: 22-02-2022 22:00:00.123 +02:00)
-O, --ISO-8601 Output timestamp in original ISO-8601 format (ex: 2022-02-22T10:10:10.1234567Z) (Always UTC)
--RFC-2822 Output timestamp in RFC 2822 format (ex: Fri, 22 Feb 2022 22:00:00 -0600)
--RFC-3339 Output timestamp in RFC 3339 format (ex: 2022-02-22 22:00:00.123456-06:00)
--US-military-time Output timestamp in US military time format (ex: 02-22-2022 22:00:00.123 -06:00)
--US-time Output timestamp in US time format (ex: 02-22-2022 10:00:00.123 PM -06:00)
-U, --UTC Output time in UTC format (default: local time)
% ./hayabusa json-timeline -d ../hayabusa-sample-evtx/EVTX-to-MITRE-Attack/Antivirus -q -w -b
Start time: 2024/11/15 11:12
Total event log files: 2
Total file size: 2.2 MB
Loading detection rules. Please wait.
Excluded rules: 26
Noisy rules: 12 (Disabled)
Deprecated rules: 216 (5.01%) (Disabled)
Experimental rules: 373 (8.65%)
Stable rules: 241 (5.59%)
Test rules: 3,700 (85.77%)
Unsupported rules: 42 (0.97%) (Disabled)
Correlation rules: 3 (0.07%)
Correlation referenced rules: 3 (0.07%)
Hayabusa rules: 175
Sigma rules: 4,139
Total detection rules: 4,314
Creating the channel filter. Please wait.
Evtx files loaded after channel filter: 2
Detection rules enabled after channel filter: 29
Output profile: standard
Scanning in progress. Please wait.
"Timestamp": "2020-12-11 21:28:01.299 +09:00",
"RuleTitle": "Defender Alert (High)",
"Level": "high",
"Computer": "WIN10-client01.offsec.lan",
"Channel": "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational",
"EventID": 1116,
"RecordID": 171,
"Details": {
"Threat": "HackTool:Win64/Mikatz!dha",
"Severity": "High",
"Type": "Tool",
"User": "OFFSEC\\admmig",
"Path": "file:_C:\\Users\\admmig\\Documents\\mimidrv.sys",
"Proc": "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe"
"ExtraFieldInfo": {
"Action ID": 9,
"Action Name": "Not Applicable",
"Additional Actions ID": 0,
"Additional Actions String": "No additional actions required",
"Category ID": 34,
"Detection ID": "{82C6A580-0C4C-48BD-A0AC-6D3DE58FDABB}",
"Detection Time": "2020-12-11T12:28:01.177Z",
"Engine Version": "AM: 1.1.17600.5, NIS: 1.1.17600.5",
"Error Code": "0x00000000",
"Error Description": "The operation completed successfully.",
"Execution ID": 1,
"Execution Name": "Suspended",
"FWLink": "!dha&threatid=2147705511&enterprise=0",
"Origin ID": 1,
"Origin Name": "Local machine",
"Post Clean Status": 0,
"Pre Execution Status": 0,
"Product Name": "Microsoft Defender Antivirus",
"Product Version": "4.18.2011.6",
"Security intelligence Version": "AV: 1.327.2245.0, AS: 1.327.2245.0, NIS: 1.327.2245.0",
"Severity ID": 4,
"Source ID": 3,
"Source Name": "Real-Time Protection",
"State": 1,
"Status Code": 1,
"Threat ID": 2147705511,
"Type ID": 0,
"Type Name": "Concrete"
% ./hayabusa eid-metrics -h
Hayabusa v2.19.0 - Dev Build
Yamato Security ( - @SecurityYamato)
hayabusa.exe eid-metrics <INPUT> [OPTIONS]
-d, --directory <DIR> Directory of multiple .evtx files
-f, --file <FILE> File path to one .evtx file
-l, --live-analysis Analyze the local C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs folder
General Options:
-C, --clobber Overwrite files when saving
-b, --disable-abbreviations Disable abbreviations
-h, --help Show the help menu
-J, --JSON-input Scan JSON formatted logs instead of .evtx (.json or .jsonl)
-Q, --quiet-errors Quiet errors mode: do not save error logs
-x, --recover-records Carve evtx records from slack space (default: disabled)
-c, --rules-config <DIR> Specify custom rule config directory (default: ./rules/config)
-t, --threads <NUMBER> Number of threads (default: optimal number for performance)
--target-file-ext <FILE-EXT...> Specify additional evtx file extensions (ex: evtx_data)
--exclude-computer <COMPUTER...> Do not scan specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--include-computer <COMPUTER...> Scan only specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--time-offset <OFFSET> Scan recent events based on an offset (ex: 1y, 3M, 30d, 24h, 30m)
-o, --output <FILE> Save the Metrics in CSV format (ex: metrics.csv)
Display Settings:
--no-color Disable color output
-q, --quiet Quiet mode: do not display the launch banner
-v, --verbose Output verbose information
Time Format:
--European-time Output timestamp in European time format (ex: 22-02-2022 22:00:00.123 +02:00)
-O, --ISO-8601 Output timestamp in original ISO-8601 format (ex: 2022-02-22T10:10:10.1234567Z) (Always UTC)
--RFC-2822 Output timestamp in RFC 2822 format (ex: Fri, 22 Feb 2022 22:00:00 -0600)
--RFC-3339 Output timestamp in RFC 3339 format (ex: 2022-02-22 22:00:00.123456-06:00)
--US-military-time Output timestamp in US military time format (ex: 02-22-2022 22:00:00.123 -06:00)
--US-time Output timestamp in US time format (ex: 02-22-2022 10:00:00.123 PM -06:00)
-U, --UTC Output time in UTC format (default: local time)
./hayabusa eid-metrics -d ../hayabusa-sample-evtx/YamatoSecurity -q -b
Generating Event ID Metrics
Start time: 2024/11/15 11:17
Total event log files: 15
Total file size: 1044.5 KB
Currently scanning for event ID metrics. Please wait.
[00:00:00] 15 / 15 [========================================] 100%
Scanning finished.
Total Event Records: 203
First Timestamp: 2020-01-19 03:14:29.831 +09:00
Last Timestamp: 2024-11-04 22:59:32.624 +09:00
โ Total โ % โ Channel โ ID โ Event โ
โ 27 โ 13.3% โ security โ 4624 โ Logon success โ
โ 26 โ 12.8% โ security โ 4672 โ Admin logon โ
โ 25 โ 12.3% โ security โ 4634 โ Account logoff โ
โ 20 โ 9.9% โ windows powershell โ 600 โ Unknown โ
โ 14 โ 6.9% โ microsoft-windows- โ 1 โ Process Creation โ
โ โ โ sysmon/operational โ โ โ
โ 10 โ 4.9% โ microsoft-windows- โ 11 โ File Creation or Overwrite โ
โ โ โ sysmon/operational โ โ โ
โ 10 โ 4.9% โ microsoft-windows- โ 5 โ Process Terminated โ
โ โ โ sysmon/operational โ โ โ
โ 8 โ 3.9% โ microsoft-windows- โ 312 โ Unknown โ
โ โ โ terminalservices-g โ โ โ
โ โ โ ateway/operational โ โ โ
โ 8 โ 3.9% โ security โ 4769 โ Kerberos service ticket requested โ
โ 4 โ 2.0% โ security โ 1102 โ Audit log cleared โ
โ 4 โ 2.0% โ microsoft-windows- โ 27 โ Executable File Write Blocked โ
โ โ โ sysmon/operational โ โ โ
โ 3 โ 1.5% โ security โ 4627 โ Unknown โ
โ 3 โ 1.5% โ windows powershell โ 400 โ Unknown โ
% ./hayabusa log-metrics -h
Hayabusa v2.19.0 - Dev Build
Yamato Security ( - @SecurityYamato)
hayabusa.exe log-metrics <INPUT> [OPTIONS]
-d, --directory <DIR> Directory of multiple .evtx files
-f, --file <FILE> File path to one .evtx file
-l, --live-analysis Analyze the local C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs folder
General Options:
-C, --clobber Overwrite files when saving
-b, --disable-abbreviations Disable abbreviations
-h, --help Show the help menu
-J, --JSON-input Scan JSON formatted logs instead of .evtx (.json or .jsonl)
-Q, --quiet-errors Quiet errors mode: do not save error logs
-x, --recover-records Carve evtx records from slack space (default: disabled)
-c, --rules-config <DIR> Specify custom rule config directory (default: ./rules/config)
-t, --threads <NUMBER> Number of threads (default: optimal number for performance)
--target-file-ext <FILE-EXT...> Specify additional evtx file extensions (ex: evtx_data)
--exclude-computer <COMPUTER...> Do not scan specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--include-computer <COMPUTER...> Scan only specified computer names (ex: ComputerA) (ex: ComputerA,ComputerB)
--time-offset <OFFSET> Scan recent events based on an offset (ex: 1y, 3M, 30d, 24h, 30m)
-M, --multiline Output event field information in multiple rows for CSV output
-o, --output <FILE> Save the Metrics in CSV format (ex: metrics.csv)
Display Settings:
--no-color Disable color output
-q, --quiet Quiet mode: do not display the launch banner
-v, --verbose Output verbose information
Time Format:
--European-time Output timestamp in European time format (ex: 22-02-2022 22:00:00.123 +02:00)
-O, --ISO-8601 Output timestamp in original ISO-8601 format (ex: 2022-02-22T10:10:10.1234567Z) (Always UTC)
--RFC-2822 Output timestamp in RFC 2822 format (ex: Fri, 22 Feb 2022 22:00:00 -0600)
--RFC-3339 Output timestamp in RFC 3339 format (ex: 2022-02-22 22:00:00.123456-06:00)
--US-military-time Output timestamp in US military time format (ex: 02-22-2022 22:00:00.123 -06:00)
--US-time Output timestamp in US time format (ex: 02-22-2022 10:00:00.123 PM -06:00)
-U, --UTC Output time in UTC format (default: local time)
% ./hayabusa log-metrics -d ../hayabusa-sample-evtx/EVTX-to-MITRE-Attack/Antivirus -q -b
Start time: 2024/11/15 11:19
Total event log files: 2
Total file size: 2.2 MB
Currently scanning for log metrics. Please wait.
[00:00:00] 2 / 2 [========================================] 100%
Scanning finished. โญโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฌโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฌโโโโโโโโโฌโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฌโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฌโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฌโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฎ
โ Filename โ Computers โ Events โ First Timestamp โ Last Timestamp โ Channels โ Providers โ
โ ID1151-Defender โ WIN10-client01.offs โ 455 โ 2020-06-23 โ 2020-12-11 โ Microsoft-Windows-W โ Microsoft-Windows-W โ
โ health status.evtx โ ec.lan โ โ 18:35:56.825 +09:00 โ 20:33:56.921 +09:00 โ indows Defender/Ope โ indows Defender โ
โ โ โ โ โ โ rational โ โ
โ ID1116-1117-Defender โ WIN10-client01.offs โ 6 โ 2020-12-11 โ 2020-12-11 โ Microsoft-Windows-W โ Microsoft-Windows-W โ
โ threat detected.evtx โ ec.lan โ โ 21:28:01.299 +09:00 โ 21:28:44.317 +09:00 โ indows Defender/Ope โ indows Defender โ
โ โ โ โ โ โ rational โ โ
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.019
% ./hayabusa search -h
Hayabusa v2.19.0 - Dev Build
Yamato Security ( - @SecurityYamato)
hayabusa.exe search <INPUT> <--keywords "<KEYWORDS>" OR --regex "<REGEX>"> [OPTIONS]
Display Settings:
--no-color Disable color output
-q, --quiet Quiet mode: do not display the launch banner
-v, --verbose Output verbose information
General Options:
-C, --clobber Overwrite files when saving
-b, --disable-abbreviations Disable abbreviations
-h, --help Show the help menu
-Q, --quiet-errors Quiet errors mode: do not save error logs
-x, --recover-records Carve evtx records from slack space (default: disabled)
-c, --rules-config <DIR> Specify custom rule config directory (default: ./rules/config)
-t, --threads <NUMBER> Number of threads (default: optimal number for performance)
--target-file-ext <FILE-EXT...> Specify additional evtx file extensions (ex: evtx_data)
-d, --directory <DIR> Directory of multiple .evtx files
-f, --file <FILE> File path to one .evtx file
-l, --live-analysis Analyze the local C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs folder
-a, --and-logic Search keywords with AND logic (default: OR)
-F, --filter <FILTER...> Filter by specific field(s)
-i, --ignore-case Case-insensitive keyword search
-k, --keyword <KEYWORD...> Search by keyword(s)
-r, --regex <REGEX> Search by regular expression
--time-offset <OFFSET> Scan recent events based on an offset (ex: 1y, 3M, 30d, 24h, 30m)
-J, --JSON-output Save the search results in JSON format (ex: -J -o results.json)
-L, --JSONL-output Save the search results in JSONL format (ex: -L -o results.jsonl)
-M, --multiline Output event field information in multiple rows for CSV output
-o, --output <FILE> Save the search results in CSV format (ex: search.csv)
Time Format:
--European-time Output timestamp in European time format (ex: 22-02-2022 22:00:00.123 +02:00)
-O, --ISO-8601 Output timestamp in original ISO-8601 format (ex: 2022-02-22T10:10:10.1234567Z) (Always UTC)
--RFC-2822 Output timestamp in RFC 2822 format (ex: Fri, 22 Feb 2022 22:00:00 -0600)
--RFC-3339 Output timestamp in RFC 3339 format (ex: 2022-02-22 22:00:00.123456-06:00)
--US-military-time Output timestamp in US military time format (ex: 02-22-2022 22:00:00.123 -06:00)
--US-time Output timestamp in US time format (ex: 02-22-2022 10:00:00.123 PM -06:00)
-U, --UTC Output time in UTC format (default: local time)
% ./hayabusa search -d ../hayabusa-sample-evtx -k mimikatz -q -b
Start time: 2024/11/15 11:21
Total event log files: 598
Total file size: 139.2 MB
Currently searching. Please wait.
[00:00:01] 598 / 598 [========================================] 100%
Scanning finished. Timestamp ยท EventTitle ยท Hostname ยท Channel ยท Event ID ยท Record ID ยท AllFieldInfo ยท EvtxFile
2019-03-18 04:37:11.661 +09:00 ยท Process Access ยท PC04.example.corp ยท Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational ยท 10 ยท 4807 ยท CallTrace: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+4595c|C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll+8185|C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\Win32\mimikatz.exe+5c5a9|C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\Win32\mimikatz.exe+5c86c|C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\Win32\mimikatz.exe+5cbd2|C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\Win32\mimikatz.exe+5c4ff|C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\Win32\mimikatz.exe+3b3d3 ยฆ GrantedAccess: 0x1010 ยฆ RuleName: ยฆ SourceImage: C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\Win32\mimikatz.exe ยฆ SourceProcessGUID: 365ABB72-A1E3-5C8E-0000-0010CEF72200 ยฆ SourceProcessId: 3588 ยฆ SourceThreadId: 2272 ยฆ TargetImage: C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe ยฆ TargetProcessGUID: 365ABB72-0886-5C8F-0000-001030560000 ยฆ TargetProcessId: 476 ยฆ UtcTime: 2019-03-17 19:37:11.641 ยท ../hayabusa-sample-evtx/EVTX-ATTACK-SAMPLES/Credential Access/sysmon_10_lsass_mimikatz_sekurlsa_logonpasswords.evtx
Thank you for checking! Exactly! I moved this options to Output
What Changed
option was already in use, I temporarily set it to the-b
option.The command to which this option is added
I would appreciate it if you could check it out when you have time๐