Yanek11 / Gabs

Projekt Gabriela
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LoraWAN + OMNET - ubuntu 16..04.1 LTS, omnet 5.2.1, inet-3.6.3-c01438b #5

Open Yanek11 opened 6 months ago

Yanek11 commented 6 months ago

VMware 17 installed Ubuntu 16.04 installed omnet 5.2.1 - in progress

Yanek11 commented 6 months ago

OMNET installation https://doc.omnetpp.org/omnetpp5/InstallGuide.pdf

Preq: 4.2

ran commands as per chapters below 5.3.1 5.3.2 Qtenv with 3D visualization support - not installed parallel simulation support you will need to install the MPI - not installed 5.3.4 - not installed

for Ubuntu 16.04 add extra GIS repo

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa $ sudo apt-get update

install osgearth development package (and OpenSceneGraph, too)

$ sudo apt-get install openscenegraph-plugin-osgearth libosgearth-dev

Installing Omnet: http://omnetpp.org/