Yang-Xijie / ExARLive2D

An iOS app using ARKit to track face and show live2d model. [Swift+UIKit+GLKView]
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Rendering live2d model on macOS #19

Closed Yang-Xijie closed 2 years ago

Yang-Xijie commented 2 years ago

Metal is prefered... though it might be tough to finish...

Use the Swift package MultipeerKit to achieve this rather easily.

Change your mind!!!

Pass the face tracking data (generated by iOS device with true depth front camera) to Mac and render the Live2D model on Mac!!

Just need to create a Mac app to recieve data from iOS... (example is to send texts from the UITextField to Mac and display the text in an NSTextField)

Then the problem becomes: how to render live2d model on macOS?

* Native: OpenGL, which is deprecated by Apple.
* Unity: might be a great choice
* Web: ... worried about the performance
* Metal: the best choice. However, live2d official hasn't supported Metal Framework/Rendering on macOS. If you want to use it, wrap the C Core lib using Swift and use Metal to render by yourself.

Don't worried about the performance. M1 chip is strong enough. 

Originally posted by @Yang-Xijie in https://github.com/Yang-Xijie/ExARLive2D/issues/17#issuecomment-1001713206

Yang-Xijie commented 2 years ago

Useless. Screen mirror is better.