Open Yang03 opened 4 years ago
/* */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PointerTracker, { Pointer } from 'pointer-tracker'; import { Point } from './PropsType'; let cachedSvg: SVGSVGElement; function getSVG(): SVGSVGElement { if (cachedSvg) { return cachedSvg; } cachedSvg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); return cachedSvg; } function createMatrix(): SVGMatrix { return getSVG().createSVGMatrix(); } function createPoint(): SVGPoint { return getSVG().createSVGPoint(); } function getDistance(a: Point, b?: Point): number { if (!b) return 0; return Math.sqrt((b.clientX - a.clientX) ** 2 + (b.clientY - a.clientY) ** 2); } function getMidpoint(a: Point, b?: Point): Point { if (!b) return a; return { clientX: (a.clientX + b.clientX) / 2, clientY: (a.clientY + b.clientY) / 2, }; } export interface PinchZoomProps { prefixCls?: string; className?: string; onChange?: Function; } export default class PinchZoom extends Component<PinchZoomProps, any> { private _container; private _transform: SVGMatrix = createMatrix(); private _positioningEl?: Element; constructor(props) { super(props); this._container = React.createRef(); } get x() { return this._transform.e; } get scale() { return this._transform.a; } get y() { return this._transform.f; } componentDidMount() { this._positioningEl = this._container.current.children[0]; const pointerTracker: PointerTracker = new PointerTracker(this._container.current, { start: (_pointer, event) => { // We only want to track 2 pointers at most if (pointerTracker.currentPointers.length === 2 || !this._positioningEl) return false; event.preventDefault(); return true; }, move: (previousPointers, _changePointers, event) => { // event.stopPropagation(); if (this.scale === 1) return this._onPointerMove(previousPointers, pointerTracker.currentPointers); // return fasle }, // end: () }); this._container.current.addEventListener('wheel', (event) => this._onWheel(event)); } _onWheel = ( event ) => { event.preventDefault(); const currentRect = this._positioningEl!.getBoundingClientRect(); let { deltaY } = event; const { ctrlKey, deltaMode } = event; if (deltaMode === 1) { // 1 is "lines", 0 is "pixels" // Firefox uses "lines" for some types of mouse deltaY *= 15; } // ctrlKey is true when pinch-zooming on a trackpad. const divisor = ctrlKey ? 100 : 300; const scaleDiff = 1 - deltaY / divisor; this.applyChange({ scaleDiff, originX: event.clientX - currentRect.left, originY: event.clientY -, allowChangeEvent: true, }); }; private _onPointerMove(previousPointers: Pointer[], currentPointers: Pointer[]) { if (!this._positioningEl) return; // Combine next points with previous points const currentRect = this._positioningEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // For calculating panning movement const prevMidpoint = getMidpoint(previousPointers[0], previousPointers[1]); const newMidpoint = getMidpoint(currentPointers[0], currentPointers[1]); // Midpoint within the element const originX = prevMidpoint.clientX - currentRect.left; const originY = prevMidpoint.clientY -; // Calculate the desired change in scale const prevDistance = getDistance(previousPointers[0], previousPointers[1]); const newDistance = getDistance(currentPointers[0], currentPointers[1]); const scaleDiff = prevDistance ? newDistance / prevDistance : 1; this.applyChange({ originX, originY, scaleDiff, panX: newMidpoint.clientX - prevMidpoint.clientX, panY: newMidpoint.clientY - prevMidpoint.clientY, }); } applyChange = (opts) => { const { panX = 0, panY = 0, originX = 0, originY = 0, scaleDiff = 1, } = opts; const matrix = createMatrix() // Translate according to panning. .translate(panX, panY) // Scale about the origin. .translate(originX, originY) // Apply current translate .translate(this.x, this.y) .scale(scaleDiff) .translate(-originX, -originY) // Apply current scale. .scale(this.scale); // Convert the transform into basic translate & scale. this.setTransform({ scale: matrix.a, x: matrix.e, y: matrix.f, }); } /** * Update the stage with a given scale/x/y. */ setTransform(opts) { const { scale = this.scale, } = opts; let { x = this.x, y = this.y, } = opts; // If we don't have an element to position, just set the value as given. // We'll check bounds later. if (!this._positioningEl) { this._updateTransform(scale, x, y); return; } // Get current layout const thisBounds = this._container.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const positioningElBounds = this._positioningEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // Not displayed. May be disconnected or display:none. // Just take the values, and we'll check bounds later. if (!thisBounds.width || !thisBounds.height) { this._updateTransform(scale, x, y); return; } // Create points for _positioningEl. let topLeft = createPoint(); topLeft.x = positioningElBounds.left - thisBounds.left; topLeft.y = -; let bottomRight = createPoint(); bottomRight.x = positioningElBounds.width + topLeft.x; bottomRight.y = positioningElBounds.height + topLeft.y; // Calculate the intended position of _positioningEl. const matrix = createMatrix() .translate(x, y) .scale(scale) // Undo current transform .multiply(this._transform.inverse()); topLeft = topLeft.matrixTransform(matrix); bottomRight = bottomRight.matrixTransform(matrix); // Ensure _positioningEl can't move beyond out-of-bounds. // Correct for x if (topLeft.x > thisBounds.width) { x += thisBounds.width - topLeft.x; } else if (bottomRight.x < 0) { x += -bottomRight.x; } // Correct for y if (topLeft.y > thisBounds.height) { y += thisBounds.height - topLeft.y; } else if (bottomRight.y < 0) { y += -bottomRight.y; } let x1 = x; let y1 = y; let s = scale; if (s <= 1) { s = 1; x1 = 0; y1 = 0; } this._updateTransform(s, x1, y1); } /** * Update transform values without checking bounds. This is only called in setTransform. */ private _updateTransform(scale: number, x: number, y: number) { // Avoid scaling to zero // Return if there's no change if ( scale === this.scale && x === this.x && y === this.y ) return; this._transform.e = x; this._transform.f = y; this._transform.d = this._transform.a = scale;'--x', this.x + 'px');'--y', this.y + 'px');'--scale', this.scale + ''); const { onChange } = this.props; if (typeof onChange === 'function') { onChange({ x, y, scale, }); } } render() { const { children, className } = this.props; return (<div ref={this._container} className={`${className} pinch-zoom`}>{children}</div>); } }
发现 ios 不支持,且不能阻止冒泡