Yang7879 / 3D-RecGAN-extended

🔥3D-RecGAN++ in Tensorflow (TPAMI 2018)
MIT License
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The gan loss is negative? #11

Open Hans1984 opened 4 years ago

Hans1984 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I clone your code and try the demo training, however, I found the gan loss of generator and discriminator without GP is negative. Is that normal? And the total aeu-loss doesn't seem to converge. Did I make a mistake somewhere? I appreciate for any help.

Yang7879 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Hans1984 , according to the definition, the loss is negative. It indeed takes some time to converge at the beginning, you are suggested to track it over a few thousand iterations.

Hans1984 commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot, however, the training process uses mass memory resources, lol.