YangChangHee / ICCV2023_SEFD_RELEASE

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Annotations for 3DPW-OC/PC #4

Closed RammusLeo closed 7 months ago

RammusLeo commented 7 months ago

Hi! An exciting work! Would you mind provide your annotations for 3DPW-OCC and 3DPW-PC datasets so that I can reproduce your results? By the way, the link to 3DPW datasets 3DPW returns 404 not found. I'm looking forward to your reply!

YangChangHee commented 7 months ago

Hello! Thank you for your interest in our research! First, for the results of 3DPW-OCC, we referred to the following link: https://github.com/chhankyao/visdb/blob/main/data/PW3D/PW3D.py. And for the results of 3DPW-PC, we referred to the ROMP paper! Please check it out. Finally, we obtained the 3DPW dataset from https://virtualhumans.mpi-inf.mpg.de/3DPW/. Could you confirm the exact URL address? We are unsure if it refers to our SMPL edge dataset or something else :)

RammusLeo commented 7 months ago

Thanks very much! I think some 'DATA' URLs in your directory.md goes to 404, not only 3DPW. Maybe the original address has been abandoned? If it is convenient you can have a check :)

YangChangHee commented 7 months ago

Thank you! We used 3DCrowdNet as a baseline, and followed the dataset format of this model. However, it seems that the dataset URL for I2L-MeshNet has changed, which 3DCrowdNet now follows. So, I updated it to the correct URL, and if you check now, you should be able to access it! Thanks for fixing the mistake! :) If there are any other issues, let me know right away! I feel like the code is written too raw, so there might be many problems! (Finally, if the issue is resolved, please close it!)

RammusLeo commented 7 months ago

All right! Thanks for your quick reply!