Closed ocissor closed 12 months ago
We apologize for any inconvenience. I implemented the training code too complicatedly, so I'm re-editing it! Also, I'm in a hurry with another conference right now, so I'm trying to revise this as soon as it's finished. Can you wait for a few days?
Thank you! :)
We apologize for any inconvenience. I implemented the training code too complicatedly, so I'm re-editing it! Also, I'm in a hurry with another conference right now, so I'm trying to revise this as soon as it's finished. Can you wait for a few days?
Thank you! :)
Thank you for your response. Is it possible for you to share the function trainer.set_lr() and the trainer.optimizer. If not I totally understand it. Conference submissions are very hectic. All the best for your submission.
Thank you!
The Trainer class we used is as follows!
class Trainer(Base):
def __init__(self):
super(Trainer, self).__init__(log_name = 'train_logs.txt')
def get_optimizer(self, model):
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([
{'params': model.module.backbone.parameters(), 'lr': cfg.lr_backbone},
{'params': model.module.pose2feat.parameters()},
{'params': model.module.position_net.parameters()},
{'params': model.module.rotation_net.parameters()},
#{'params': model.module.edge_module.parameters()},
print('The parameters of backbone, pose2feat, position_net, rotation_net, are added to the optimizer.')
return optimizer
def get_optimizer_dilation(self, model):
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([
{'params': model.module.backbone.parameters(), 'lr': cfg.lr_backbone},
{'params': model.module.pose2feat.parameters()},
{'params': model.module.position_net.parameters()},
{'params': model.module.rotation_net.parameters()},
{'params': model.module.ced.parameters()},
# kornia toolkit make gradients
print('The parameters of backbone, pose2feat, position_net, rotation_net, are added to the optimizer.')
return optimizer
def save_model(self, state, epoch):
file_path = osp.join(cfg.model_dir,'snapshot_{}.pth.tar'.format(str(epoch))), file_path)"Write snapshot into {}".format(file_path))
def load_model(self, model, optimizer):
model_file_list = glob.glob(osp.join(cfg.model_dir,'*.pth.tar'))
cur_epoch = max([int(file_name[file_name.find('snapshot_') + 9 : file_name.find('.pth.tar')]) for file_name in model_file_list])
ckpt_path = osp.join(cfg.model_dir, 'snapshot_' + str(cur_epoch) + '.pth.tar')
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path)
start_epoch = ckpt['epoch'] + 1
if cfg.distillation_pretrained==True:
model.load_state_dict(ckpt['network'], strict=False)
model = DataParallel(model).cuda()'Load checkpoint from {}'.format(ckpt_path))
return start_epoch, model, optimizer
def set_lr(self, epoch):
for e in cfg.lr_dec_epoch:
if epoch < e:
if epoch < cfg.lr_dec_epoch[-1]:
idx = cfg.lr_dec_epoch.index(e)
for g in self.optimizer.param_groups:
g['lr'] = / (cfg.lr_dec_factor ** idx)
for g in self.optimizer.param_groups:
g['lr'] = / (cfg.lr_dec_factor ** len(cfg.lr_dec_epoch))
def get_lr(self):
for g in self.optimizer.param_groups:
cur_lr = g['lr']
return cur_lr
def _make_batch_generator(self):
# data load and construct batch generator"Creating dataset...")
trainset3d_loader = []
if cfg.smplify==False:
for i in range(len(cfg.trainset_3d)):
trainset3d_loader.append(eval(cfg.trainset_3d[i])(transforms.ToTensor(), "train"))
trainset2d_loader = []
for i in range(len(cfg.trainset_2d)):
trainset2d_loader.append(eval(cfg.trainset_2d[i])(transforms.ToTensor(), "train"))
if len(trainset3d_loader) > 0 and len(trainset2d_loader) > 0:
self.vertex_num = trainset3d_loader[0].vertex_num
self.joint_num = trainset3d_loader[0].joint_num
trainset3d_loader = MultipleDatasets(trainset3d_loader, make_same_len=False)
trainset2d_loader = MultipleDatasets(trainset2d_loader, make_same_len=False)
trainset_loader = MultipleDatasets([trainset3d_loader, trainset2d_loader], make_same_len=True)
elif len(trainset3d_loader) > 0:
self.vertex_num = trainset3d_loader[0].vertex_num
self.joint_num = trainset3d_loader[0].joint_num
trainset_loader = MultipleDatasets(trainset3d_loader, make_same_len=False)
elif len(trainset2d_loader) > 0:
self.vertex_num = trainset2d_loader[0].vertex_num
self.joint_num = trainset2d_loader[0].joint_num
trainset_loader = MultipleDatasets(trainset2d_loader, make_same_len=False)
assert 0, "Both 3D training set and 2D training set have zero length."
self.itr_per_epoch = math.ceil(len(trainset_loader) / cfg.num_gpus / cfg.train_batch_size)
self.batch_generator = DataLoader(dataset=trainset_loader, batch_size=cfg.num_gpus*cfg.train_batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=cfg.num_thread, pin_memory=True)
def _make_model(self):
# prepare network"Creating graph and optimizer...")
if cfg.distillation_pretrained==True and cfg.smplify==False:
smpl_overlap_model = DataParallel(smpl_overlap_model).cuda()
print("Load SMPL_overlap_module success!")
model = get_model(self.vertex_num, self.joint_num,smpl_overlap_model, 'train')
model = DataParallel(model).cuda()
optimizer = self.get_optimizer(model)
if cfg.continue_train:
start_epoch, model, optimizer = self.load_model(model, optimizer)
start_epoch = 0
optimizer = self.get_optimizer(model)
self.start_epoch = start_epoch
self.model = model
self.optimizer = optimizer
I apologize for sending you the code in such a raw way. We will update you as soon as preparations for this conference are over! Please wait a little longer!
good luck!
We upload train class :) I close this
Hi, First of all great work. I was going through your file in which you import Trainer from base, but in the there is no class named Trainer, can you please help me with this.
Thank you!