YangChangHee / ICCV2023_SEFD_RELEASE

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What are SMPL_overlap_edge1 and SMPL_overlap_edge2 folders under 3dpw folder. #9

Closed ocissor closed 6 months ago

ocissor commented 6 months ago

Hi, I was going through the code to make SMPL_overlap_edges for the 3dpw dataset(file - make_3DPW_smpl_edge.py) here I don't see you making any folders named SMPL_overlap_edge1 or SMPL_overlap_edge2. You are making two folders named SMPL_overlap_edge and SMPL_all_edge, but in the PW3D.py I see you are accessing the folders SMPL_overlap_edge1 and SMPL_overlap_edge2, can you explain what are these two folders for and how to put correct files in these two folders while running - make_3DPW_smpl_edge.py

Thank you!!

YangChangHee commented 6 months ago

I apologize for contacting you late. I have just confirmed it now due to my graduation schedule. To match the folders, please rename 'SMPL_overlap_edge2' to 'SMPL_overlap_edge.' For 'SMPL_all_edge,' consider it as 'I_dilation_edge' in Table 2 of the paper. The visual results can be found in Figure 7 (h). Thank you. :)

ocissor commented 6 months ago

Thank you!