YangLab / CIRCexplorer2

circular RNA analysis toolset
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a question about align #20

Closed weishuxun closed 6 years ago

weishuxun commented 6 years ago

when the align of CIRCexplorer2 was used with a command of tophat2 --library-type fr-unstranded -o tophat_fusion -p 46 --fusion-search --keep-fasta-order --bowtie1 --no-coverage-search bowtie1_index SRR1797218_1.fastq SRR1797218_2.fastq,a error was run and show: Error running bowtie: Error while flushing and closing output terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'。 is there a problem with version of my software or other matter? could you help me? -1

kepbod commented 6 years ago

This is an issue of tophat2 but not CIRCexplorer2. Maybe you could try to reinstall tophat2.