YangLab / CIRCexplorer2

circular RNA analysis toolset
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circularRNA_known isoform and exons / outputs information #71

Open npont opened 8 months ago

npont commented 8 months ago


I am having trouble to find documentation about the circularRNA_known.txt table that circexplorer2 outputs. Each row gives information about one particular isoform. For example, it can tell you that for a given circRNA, on a given chr, it found x fragments (which I guess refer to the number of reads aligned at the BSJ?), and especially that this correspond to a given isoform that contains exons number x1, x2, etc etc But how can it know which exons the circRNA contain apart from the exons present at the BSJ? I use STAR, which finds the chimeric reads and from my understanding, these reads are just giving information about the BSJ.

Any hint on that would be much appreciated, and/or some documentation about the outputs and methods because the manual only describe the commands and briefly the output. Thank you for your help!