YangLab / CLEAR

direct comparison of circular and linear RNA expression
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Feature Request: Calculate FPBlinear for all genes #12

Closed bounlu closed 3 years ago

bounlu commented 4 years ago


I think it will be very useful to obtain FPBlinear values in a sample for all the linear RNAs from the ref file, even though there is no circRNA generated from them. The FPBcirc values for those could be set to 0 in the output, hence CIRCscore will be also 0, but FPBlinear will be non-zero as long as the gene is expressed.


Have you tried CSI NGS Portal yet?

xingma commented 3 years ago


There is a temporary folder in the same directory of "quant.txt". In the temporary folder, the "gene_hpb.txt" file contains FPBlinear values for all linear RNAs. Thanks.
