hello! First thanks a lot for providing a fantanstic tool for circRNA analysis!
I have an issue when running circ_quant, the nohup.out file says that: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zhangfy/miniconda3/envs/RNAseq/bin/circ_quant", line 11, in
load_entry_point('CLEAR==1.0.1', 'console_scripts', 'circ_quant')()
File "/home/zhangfy/miniconda3/envs/RNAseq/lib/python3.6/site-packages/CLEAR-1.0.1-py3.6.egg/src/circ_quant.py", line 334, in main
File "/home/zhangfy/miniconda3/envs/RNAseq/lib/python3.6/site-packages/CLEAR-1.0.1-py3.6.egg/src/spReads.py", line 83, in extract
cigar = getCigar(read)
File "/home/zhangfy/miniconda3/envs/RNAseq/lib/python3.6/site-packages/CLEAR-1.0.1-py3.6.egg/src/spReads.py", line 30, in getCigar
cigar = [ (num2op[num], length) for num, length in read.cigartuples]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
C-1_circularRNA_known.txt is the output file of CIRCExplorer2 annotate
C-1.sam.sorted.bam is the bam file of one sample. I have used samtools sort and samtools index to get this bam file
Rattus.genepred is the genepred file
hello! First thanks a lot for providing a fantanstic tool for circRNA analysis! I have an issue when running circ_quant, the nohup.out file says that: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable.
Here is the log file:
And this is my code:
C-1_circularRNA_known.txt is the output file of CIRCExplorer2 annotate C-1.sam.sorted.bam is the bam file of one sample. I have used samtools sort and samtools index to get this bam file Rattus.genepred is the genepred file
Thanks a lot! Zhangfy