YangLab / CLEAR

direct comparison of circular and linear RNA expression
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Issue when using clear_quant #2

Closed JunmingH closed 4 years ago

JunmingH commented 4 years ago


I met some issue when I try to run clear_quant function "[2019-08-29 12:58:42] Mapping left_kept_reads to genome hg19 with Bowtie [FAILED] Error running bowtie: Error while flushing and closing output terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'"

I check this error in the website which said I am run out of storage. But that would not possible since I am using server.

Scathacheng commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am also running clear_quant. I want to ask which version of bowtie did you use. I run the clear_quant but it report the bug that bowtie index returned non-zero exit status 1. Do you have similar bug? Thanks!

JunmingH commented 4 years ago

Hi @Scathacheng I am not running clear-quant finally. Since there have too much error. STAR is also a good tools for alignment