YangLabHKUST / STitch3D

Construction of a 3D whole organism spatial atlas by joint modeling of multiple slices
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Fail to find several datasets #30

Open Leroy-Xiong opened 1 month ago

Leroy-Xiong commented 1 month ago

Hello! Thank you for your wonderful work! I'm trying to run those tutorials, but there are a few datasets I'm not finding, could you please tell me where I can find them?

Here are the datasets that I didn't find:

Example 5: The "./data/BrCa_Atlas_Count_out" folder.

And the decrypt password shown on https://zenodo.org/records/4751624 is incorrect for "./data/HER2-positive/spot-selections" and "./data/HER2-positive/meta". Can you unpload them separately?

Thank you very much!

gefeiwang commented 1 month ago


you can find preprocessed single-cell data for example 5 in https://singlecell.broadinstitute.org/single_cell/study/SCP1039/a-single-cell-and-spatially-resolved-atlas-of-human-breast-cancers#study-download. The encrypted files can be found here.