Hello authors! Many thanks for your excellent survey! Would you consider to add the paper "A Geometric Perspective on Diffusion Models" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.19947) to this page?
''In this paper, we reveal several intriguing geometric structures of diffusion models and contribute a simple yet powerful interpretation to their sampling dynamics. We also establish a theoretical relationship between the optimal ODE-based sampling and the classic mean-shift (mode-seeking) algorithm, with which we can characterize the asymptotic behavior of diffusion models and identify the score deviation. ''
Hello authors! Many thanks for your excellent survey! Would you consider to add the paper "A Geometric Perspective on Diffusion Models" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.19947) to this page?
''In this paper, we reveal several intriguing geometric structures of diffusion models and contribute a simple yet powerful interpretation to their sampling dynamics. We also establish a theoretical relationship between the optimal ODE-based sampling and the classic mean-shift (mode-seeking) algorithm, with which we can characterize the asymptotic behavior of diffusion models and identify the score deviation. ''