Closed roimulia2 closed 2 years ago
We haven't tried to test on mobile devices. As mentioned on the paper, for 480p images, it takes about 0.32s. If you want to make the inference faster. You can try to use torch Eigen decomposition function to replace the spicy Eigen decomposition
Here is a pseudocode: A = A > tau A = A.float() A = A + eps d_i = torch.sum(A, dim=2) D = torch.diag_embed(d_i, dim1=1) X = (D-A) / (D + eps) eigval, eigvec = torch.lobpcg(A=D-A, B=D, k=2, largest=False) second_smallest_vec = eigvec[0,:,1].cpu().numpy()
Best, Yangtao
Hey there! Love the paper.
Is it real-time capable of doing segmentation on mobile devices?