Yangzhangcst / Transformer-in-Computer-Vision

A paper list of some recent Transformer-based CV works.
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[MiPa: Mixed Patch Infrared-Visible Modality Agnostic Object Detection] #7

Open heitorrapela opened 2 days ago

heitorrapela commented 2 days ago

Hello, thanks for the nice list,

Please consider adding our recent work: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.18849

We propose a Mixed Patches (MiPa), in conjunction with a patch-wise domain agnostic module, which is responsible for learning the best way to find a common representation of both modalities (RGB/Infrared) built on top of DINO (https://github.com/IDEA-Research/DINO).

We have a link for the code, but the work is under review, so we are waiting to release it soon here: https://github.com/heitorrapela/MiPa

hust-lidelong commented 2 days ago
