YannThorimbert / Thorpy

A GUI library for Pygame
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Setting a slider title above the slider #3

Closed yetanotherf0rked closed 4 years ago

yetanotherf0rked commented 4 years ago

When you create a SliderX object with slider = thorpy.SliderX(100, (12, 35), "My Slider") The title "My Slider" is just next to the slider. Is there a way to set the title above ? Thanks

YannThorimbert commented 4 years ago

Here is a code that builds a slider with a title above :

import thorpy

app = thorpy.Application((800,600))
slider_title = thorpy.make_text("My Slider")
slider_slider = thorpy.SliderX(100, (12, 35), "")
slider = thorpy.make_group([slider_title, slider_slider], "v")
#Uncomment the next line if you want to left-align the title with the slider
##slider_title.stick_to(slider_slider, "left", "left", align=False)
background = thorpy.Background(elements=[slider])
m = thorpy.Menu(background)

The built-in slider class does not provide the title above. The example above shows a quick wrapper. Remember that if you want to get information on the slider itself (e.g. the value), then you have to refer to slider_slider (e.g. slider_slider.get_value), as here "slider" is actually just a box that stores the title and the actual slider element.