YannickB / odoo-hosting

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[RFC] Messaging System #190

Closed lasley closed 6 years ago

lasley commented 7 years ago

This isn't really a current goal, but it is something I'd like as part of the system and I think it'll make good training wheels as @t3ddftw's first Clouder Template.

The system I've been looking at is Mattermost, but the SAML is Enterprise only.

Another one that I have been looking at, which does have LDAP as part of the community offering, is Rocket Chat.

Any thoughts, or other things we should explore?

YannickB commented 7 years ago

Totally agree, mattermost is already on the todo list. I think I already saw rocket chat too, but I don't remember the added value with mattermost.

lasley commented 7 years ago

I was totally on board until I figured out that Mattermost Enterprise was the only one that supports LDAP. I'm going to look more to see if I can figure out the featureset it contains that RocketChat doesn't. Let me know if you remember anything on that 😄

YannickB commented 7 years ago

I guessed something like this. IMO we still should chose the more advanced software regardless of LDAP support, as I said often the best open core softwares will have closed LDAP features but I'm willing to bet that the very existence of Clouder will in the long run either force to open-source the LDAP connector or develop community module/hack which will implement it.

So regarding Mattermost vs Rocketchat, we should do a point to point comparison and not really take LDAP support into account.

lasley commented 7 years ago

That's the thing - I did a few point-by-points and wasn't able to identify a difference between the applications outside of the LDAP support.

I do like the stack that Mattermost is built on better - React and Golang, but in terms of the actual features I am having trouble finding any functional difference. The mattermost native app looks a bit better maybe.

YannickB commented 7 years ago

Interesting feedback : http://www.akitaonrails.com/2016/08/13/choosing-mattermost-over-rocket-chat-and-slack

For now my vote is still on mattermost, I feel it's more mature and has probably better user experience (the most important point IMO), but rocketchat is not far.

lasley commented 7 years ago

Nice, I'll read this article thanks.

What's our solution for SSO if we go the Mattermost direction?

YannickB commented 7 years ago

The solution will probably be account creation in mattermost database/API, executed by Clouder. We shall first make the LDAP template I think, then we'll figure something. Lack of LDAP support will happen way too often, we can completely rely on it even if we should use it when we can.