YannickRe / spfx-msgraph-peoplesearch

Show and search users from your organization with an SPFx web part, through Microsoft Graph.
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Token request previously failed #65

Closed Spruit33 closed 1 year ago

Spruit33 commented 1 year ago


I've added the app to our SharePoint Online with only Azure AD, that is working fine.

Now I've also placed this app to a SharePoint connect with Azure AD and also an on premise AD. When placing the app I get the notification "Token request previously failed"

Do you've any idea how to solve this problem? I've googled, but didn't find anything so far.

I hope you can help me.

Spruit33 commented 1 year ago

This problem is solved with granting access Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission -Scope "User.Read.All" -Resource "Microsoft Graph"

YannickRe commented 1 year ago

Glad you resolved it, thanks for letting me know!