YannickRe / spfx-msgraph-peoplesearch

Show and search users from your organization with an SPFx web part, through Microsoft Graph.
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Card does not load correctly if selected person is guest #77

Closed corriganc closed 6 months ago

corriganc commented 1 year ago

When the People Search picks up Guest users, the list view shows all of the correct information - display name, job title, email, phone - exactly as we've selected:


However, upon clicking a Guest users' card, it does not load properly like a standard member users'. Instead, it shows the display name as the UPN for the Guest, and no other information is loaded:

murchelon commented 1 year ago

I belive that guest users dont have an entry in User Profile, and maybe thats why it doesnt show the correct information. Can anyone confirm that ?

YannickRe commented 1 year ago

This does work on an out of the box SharePoint where guests show up in the Created By or Modified By of a list item. Probably the "input" for the LPC is expected to be different than what I am currently feeding it. I'll keep the issue open until I have time to fix it.

YannickRe commented 6 months ago

This has been fixed in the latest code base.