Yarn file is not recognized properly in the unity editor.
This was the yarn file. The error occurs on import/reimport. Reimporting all does not fix it either.
title: KrystalTest
colorID: 0
position: 609,188
Dear Krystal,||
<<wait 1>>
This is a simple test of the email system|
<<wait 0.5>>
If you have any questions let me know.
<<wait 0.5>>
I hope it works||
<<wait 1>>
[[How does email on this work?|HowToEmail]]]
title: HowToEmail
colorID: 0
position: 609,448
Test 2
What is the expected behavior?
Indicate a parse error
Please tell us about your environment:
Yarn Spinner Version: id assume 1.2.0, but i installed via the git package in unity package manager
What is the current behavior?
Yarn file is not recognized properly in the unity editor.
This was the yarn file. The error occurs on import/reimport. Reimporting all does not fix it either.
What is the expected behavior?
Indicate a parse error
Please tell us about your environment:
Other information