YarnSpinnerTool / YarnSpinner

Yarn Spinner is a tool for building interactive dialogue in games!
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Proposal: Decide on string interpolation rules for lines and commands #375

Open McJones opened 11 months ago

McJones commented 11 months ago


In the current form of Yarn Spinner we treat lines and commands the same for interpolation. And we mostly think this is the right move, we are assuming that most of the time interpolation is going to be used to inject values into lines of dialogue to be shown to the user. As such anything that is to be shown to the user should be culture dependant. The issue arises when interpolation is used in commands, as an example of this:

<<declare $delay = 0.5>>
Let's wait for a half-second...
<<wait {$delay}>>

In english locales this will work as expected, but in German, for example, this will wait for five seconds, as what YS will see is: <<wait 0,5>> which will be parsed out as five seconds. This is because we parse command parameters using the invariant culture. The current fix for this is the format_invariant function which takes in a number and returns an invariant culture transformation of the number into a string. This is less than ideal as <<wait {format_invariant($delay)}>> looks far less elegant than <<wait {$delay}>>.

This is the cause of:

Proposed solution

The first solution is to do nothing as the format_invariant does technically solve this solution, albeit inelegantly.

We could also make it that values are interpolated using the invariant culture. This will solve the issue when used inside commands but means numbers presented inside of lines won't respect the current locale and always appear in the invariant (ie english) form. To get around this limitation we'd need to make a format_local (name to be decided) function which would format an invariant number into the local culture form. This is essentially the same as the above but flipped.

We could parse numbers inside of commands using the local culture. As I speak english this is basically what is happening for me anyways, so I don't know how uncommon it would be to write <<wait 0,5>> instead of <<wait 0.5>>. The main downside to this is now commands are now language dependant and the samples and docs would need to be heavily rewritten to deal with this.

Finally we could make it so that strings are interpolated invariantly inside of commands, and use the local culture when inside of lines. This is probably the best overall compromise in my eyes.

Backwards Compatibility

This is technically breaking backwards compatibility no matter which approach is taken, but seems both uncommon enough to cause huge pains, but also important enough to justify the small break in compatibility.


Thanks to fmoo for bringing this issue to our attention