YaroslavGaponov / node-jvm

java virtual machine in pure node.js
2.11k stars 176 forks source link

you are not alone! related efforts #16

Closed sbimikesmullin closed 10 years ago

sbimikesmullin commented 10 years ago

you may find it useful to reference in your README.md:

Java-to-CoffeeScript transpiler http://mikesmullin.github.io/mylang/index.html?8

Java SE 6 API in JavaScript https://github.com/mikesmullin/java-api-in-javascript

YaroslavGaponov commented 10 years ago

Thank you!!!Very interesting!

gaulinsoft commented 10 years ago

You may also find jTypes interesting as well: www.jTypes.com

parroit commented 10 years ago

And this project seems to be doing the very same thing: https://github.com/plasma-umass/doppio

hs3180 commented 10 years ago

This repo runs node in jvm : https://github.com/projectodd/nodyn