YaroslavGaponov / node-jvm

java virtual machine in pure node.js
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Changes in Loader.prototype.createNewObject have broken tests #18

Closed parroit closed 10 years ago

parroit commented 10 years ago

It appear that the offending change is the use of ctor.proto at line 139. Created objects no more inherits methods from their parents. This make the mocha tests fails.

This could be easily corrected using prototype instead of proto. I admit that I don't know the difference between the two...

YaroslavGaponov commented 10 years ago

Sorry, my fault. Thank you very much!!! Fixed

parroit commented 10 years ago

You're welcome, I'm trying to help.... if you setup the project on Travis you can trap these problems as you commit new code. In my last pull request I put a travis.yml file, you just have to setup the project.

I have some doubt on some other test I'm writing, am I disturbing you if I write you an e-mail?

YaroslavGaponov commented 10 years ago

Ok thanks

Please feel free to send me an email.