YaroslavSl / llrp-ts

Tag reader for connecting with RFID reader through LLRP(LLRP UHF RFID Driver for node.js/TypeScript)
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Change config #2

Open kresten8 opened 4 years ago

kresten8 commented 4 years ago

Hi Yaroslav, I'm trying your version and it has some handy changes compared to the Geenentijd version. Still, I have a question: Is it possible to change config while in use? Or if not: what would be a good restart sequence? (I want to change the channel while the script is running.)

Best, Kresten

YaroslavSl commented 4 years ago

Hi Kresten, The source code of the package should be improved to change the channel while in use. As I recollect the radio operation should be disabled then a new channel can be set according to the LLRP and/or Impinj documentations.

Best, Yaroslav.