Yash-Handa / logo-ls

Modern ls command with vscode like File Icon and Git Integrations. Written in Golang
MIT License
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dircolors / LS_COLORS env var support would be nice #11

Open darkvertex opened 3 years ago

darkvertex commented 3 years ago

ls supports a --color flag which takes the contents of the LS_COLORS env var to colorize files and directories.

A popular way to set this env var is using the dircolors utility. For example, I like a dark terminal and I use this ls theme: https://github.com/sigurdga/ls-colors-solarized

I've been using it for so many years that as much as I love the icons from logo-ls, seeing filenames in plain white makes me lost, so I would love to see logo-ls detect the LS_COLORS env var and use it to colorize stuff while still delivering the nice icons.

Yash-Handa commented 3 years ago

Hi, that's a great idea, and the project will implement it in the near future. Though right now I am a bit busy so it can take some time.

TeddyHuang-00 commented 3 years ago

replacing native ls with logo-ls for a few days now, I'm kind of missing my old filenames with color. BTW, it will be a lot nicer to provide soft link target when using -l flag as the native ls -l does, and current displaying style may be better set to a nondefault option and that will be even nicer for us old-fashioned ls users coming to logo-ls 🥳