Yash-Handa / logo-ls

Modern ls command with vscode like File Icon and Git Integrations. Written in Golang
MIT License
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Logos have extra sigils #7

Open driador opened 3 years ago

driador commented 3 years ago

Installed on arch via 'go get', logo-ls displays correct icons and text, but each icon has an additional sigil appended to it. Verified using KDE konsole and kitty, both with patched nerd fonts. See picture for reference, and please let me know if more details are required.


fennecdjay commented 3 years ago

Not quite sure this helps, but I just installed on arch from aur and it runs fine on kitty and st.

icub3d commented 3 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. I used AUR to install. Nerd fonts are installed as well. I'm using 'Fira Code Retina' as my font in kitty shell. Based on 'logo-ls -l' it looks like maybe it's a space that's being used.


icub3d commented 3 years ago

it looks like it's this line: https://github.com/Yash-Handa/logo-ls/blob/master/ctw/utils.go#L9

I'm wondering if my font does not have the same symbol as others? Not sure what the intention of using the braille symbol for spacing was, so maybe removing it is not the right answer. This change seems to fix it though: https://github.com/icub3d/logo-ls/commit/20c65b8e8b270b880475f95ed5df90ff9bd0c6e4

I'm happy to do a pull request if the change is acceptable.

Yash-Handa commented 3 years ago

Hi, @icub3d you got the issue right, The icons and file names are separated by an empty braille symbol, which should not be displayed but it seems some fonts do display it.

This empty braille symbol was used because in some terminals when a file started with a number (like 1test.go) and its corresponding icon Unicode ended with a number (like '\ufcd1') then the file name and icons were messed up.

As a workaround, I used an empty braille symbol as a space between them. I would like to hear about any other solution if you have.

icub3d commented 3 years ago

Hmm, my first thought might be to try and figure out why the unicode characters are getting mashed together. Another option might be to use another character that's designated as a space. Here are some examples: http://jkorpela.fi/chars/spaces.html. \u2000 seems like another option.

tralph3 commented 3 years ago

Can we please fix this? Seems pretty trivial. There's a ton of actual space characters you can choose from.

MichalRybecky commented 2 years ago

If anyone else is having this issue, I found a workaround. You have to:

  1. git clone https://github.com/Yash-Handa/logo-ls.git
  2. cd logo-ls
  3. vim internal/ctw/utils.go (or any other text editor)
  4. on line number 9, change brailEmpty string from "\u2800" to "\u2000\"
  5. save and exit
  6. go mod tidy
  7. go build
  8. sudo cp logo-ls /usr/local/bin

logo-ls command should now work and you should not see the empty braille symbol.

tralph3 commented 2 years ago

This bug alone made me switch to exa.

samintejas commented 2 years ago

If anyone else is having this issue, I found a workaround. You have to:

1. `git clone https://github.com/Yash-Handa/logo-ls.git`

2. `cd logo-ls`

3. `vim internal/ctw/utils.go` (or any other text editor)

4. on line number 9, change `brailEmpty string` from `"\u2800"` to  `"\u2000\"`

5. save and exit

6. `go mod tidy`

7. `go build`

8. `sudo cp logo-ls /usr/local/bin`

logo-ls command should now work and you should not see the empty braille symbol.

This worked for me , thanks MichalRybecky

m0rphtail commented 2 years ago

had the same issue on archlinux, fixed it by installing ttf-dejavu

EzioZz commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue in vscode eidtor and vscode terminal on MacOS. But it works fine on Iterm2

XiaoBaiNya commented 1 year ago

If anyone else is having this issue, I found a workaround. You have to:

  1. git clone https://github.com/Yash-Handa/logo-ls.git
  2. cd logo-ls
  3. vim internal/ctw/utils.go (or any other text editor)
  4. on line number 9, change brailEmpty string from "\u2800" to "\u2000\"
  5. save and exit
  6. go mod tidy
  7. go build
  8. sudo cp logo-ls /usr/local/bin

logo-ls command should now work and you should not see the empty braille symbol.

thanks! it works