Yash-Parsana / CrazyCoderServerlessApi

This is backend api of CrazyCoder App which serves realtime data from various platforms through web scraping hosted on Netlify Serverless function. CrazyCoder App: https://github.com/Yash-Parsana/CrazyCoderApp | CrazyCoder website : https://crazycoder-eight.vercel.app
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Expose route for gfg contest #11

Closed Yash-Parsana closed 1 month ago

Yash-Parsana commented 1 month ago

You need to expose new route for gfg contests data.

Subtasks : Find out if gfg provides api for contests data, otherwise you can use web scrapping to get data.

Make sure response must be in below format.

{ "name": "contest name", "start_time": timestamp (integer) (eg 1715434800000) , "end_time": same format as start time , "status": "upcoming or ongoing" },

Ask doubts in this thread, if you have any.

Ishan942 commented 1 month ago

Hey I would like to work on this issue can you assign it to me, would probably use web scrapping.

kart2004 commented 1 month ago

Hi, @Yash-Parsana, there is no gfg api for contests data. Can you assign it to me, I can use web scrapping to get the necessary data.