Yash-Parsana / CrazyCoderServerlessApi

This is backend api of CrazyCoder App which serves realtime data from various platforms through web scraping hosted on Netlify Serverless function. CrazyCoder App: https://github.com/Yash-Parsana/CrazyCoderApp | CrazyCoder website : https://crazycoder-eight.vercel.app
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NavBar Missing #31

Closed rahul1841 closed 1 month ago

rahul1841 commented 1 month ago

I can navbar in the project and also add links of social media so that user can go and follow you on social media. Moreover i can improve navbar and can add dark mode feature

Yash-Parsana commented 1 month ago

@rahul1841 This is backend repo, how you will add nav bar here. visite this for web app: https://github.com/Yash-Parsana/CrazyCoderWebApp

I suggest you to first go through code and then raise issue.