Yash-Parsana / CrazyCoderServerlessApi

This is backend api of CrazyCoder App which serves realtime data from various platforms through web scraping hosted on Netlify Serverless function. CrazyCoder App: https://github.com/Yash-Parsana/CrazyCoderApp | CrazyCoder website : https://crazycoder-eight.vercel.app
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Identified Areas for Improvement in ratingsController.js #38

Open AlexMercer00 opened 1 month ago

AlexMercer00 commented 1 month ago

Summary of Changes: Consistent Error Logging: Updated all console.log statements to console.error for error logs, ensuring consistency. Correct Error Detail Access: Fixed the error handling in codeforcesRating to use response.statusText for error details. Enhanced Error Messages: Provided specific error messages in the catch blocks for better debugging.

AlexMercer00 commented 1 month ago

@Yash-Parsana Please take a look. #36 issue

Yash-Parsana commented 1 month ago

@AlexMercer00 resolve conflict and you have to cover whole app under this issue. you may find similar improvements in scheduleController.js

AlexMercer00 commented 1 month ago

@Yash-Parsana conflicts are resolved.