Yash-Parsana / CrazyCoderServerlessApi

This is backend api of CrazyCoder App which serves realtime data from various platforms through web scraping hosted on Netlify Serverless function. CrazyCoder App: https://github.com/Yash-Parsana/CrazyCoderApp | CrazyCoder website : https://crazycoder-eight.vercel.app
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Add Table of Contents to README file. #56

Open Aditijainnn opened 3 weeks ago

Aditijainnn commented 3 weeks ago

What Docs changes are you proposing? I am proposing the addition of a Table of Contents to the README file. The Table of Contents will include links to key sections such as Usage, Screenshots, Features, Setup Instructions, Contributing, Documentation, Join Us, and Our Contributors.

Why do the Docs need this improvement? What is the motivation for this change? How will this change benefit the community? The documentation will benefit from this improvement by providing users with an easy-to-navigate structure. This change will enhance the user experience by allowing users to quickly locate and access relevant sections of the README. The motivation behind this change is to improve the overall readability and usability of the documentation, making it more professional and user-friendly.

Describe the solution you'd like The solution involves inserting a Table of Contents at the beginning of the README file. This Table of Contents will contain anchor links to the following sections

tech Stack
Project Demonstration

Describe alternatives you've considered An alternative approach considered was to include a sidebar or a collapsible menu for navigation within the README. However, these methods may not be as straightforward to implement in a Markdown file and might reduce the simplicity and compatibility of the document across different viewers.

Additional context Adding a Table of Contents will make the documentation more organized and accessible, especially for first-time users. Below is an example of how the Table of Contents will look. image