Yashshukla11 / ExamTime_android

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Create a Logo for project #43

Open Yashshukla11 opened 1 month ago

Yashshukla11 commented 1 month ago

Describe the feature

Create a logo for name ExamTime.

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say-het commented 1 month ago

Hey! @Yashshukla11 Can you assign me this issue under GSSoC. I have good experience in designing and also in UI/UX.

Little about me : I am experienced contributor as I have completed Hacktoberfest-2020 and Hactoberfest-2023 successfully.

say-het commented 1 month ago

Hey! @Yashshukla11 I have made couple of amazing logos should I post it Here or any other way I can send it to you?

Yashshukla11 commented 1 month ago

DM me on discord or send mail to yashshuklaxiia2003@gmail.com

say-het commented 1 month ago

@Yashshukla11 I have sent the mail, Hope you like it.

AsmitaMishra24 commented 1 month ago

I would like to work on this issue. Please assign me this task for GSSoC'24.