Yaskawa-Global / motoros2

ROS 2 (rcl, rclc & micro-ROS) node for MotoPlus-compatible Yaskawa Motoman robot controllers
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Investigate how to best make use of F/T data on HC platforms #184

Open gavanderhoorn opened 8 months ago

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

The HC series of robots have built-in torque sensors in all joints and come with various collaborative features built-in.

Some of the data used for those features is accessible to M+ applications: either via specific M+ APIs or fi via M-registers.

We should investigate if we can, and if so, how to, make use of that data. Either to improve existing interfaces or to make new ones available, specifically for users of HC robots.

An example improvement could be to use the values reported by the torque sensors in JointState messages instead of the commanded torque we currently use to populate them. We could also see whether it'd be possible to publish the estimated F/T on the TCP as a geometry_msgs/Wrench.

For information on M-registers used on HC platforms for this sort of data refer to 181437-1CD (HW1484764) Collaborative Operation Instructions, specifically the Register List on pages 174 and 175 (10-1 and 10-2).

iydv commented 8 months ago

I have been investigating this for a while:

1) I can obtain F/T values from registers. Unfortunately, it is not convenient to constantly send requests via service call, the values should be published on the topic.

2) MotoPlus has functions to read F/T values directly. But it doesn't work for me and I cannot find any description of these functions in MotoPlus manuals. I have tried to use the following functions:

extern int mpFcsGetForceData(MP_FCS_ROB_ID rob_id, int coord_type, int uf_no, MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data); extern int mpFcsGetSensorChannelData(MP_FCS_SENS_ID sens_id, MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data);

they always return an error when I call them as follows:

MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data;
bzero(sens_data, MP_FCS_AXES_NUM);
int f_ret = mpFcsGetForceData(MP_FCS_R1ID, 0, 0, sens_data);


MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data;
bzero(sens_data, MP_FCS_AXES_NUM);
int f_ret = mpFcsGetSensorChannelData(MP_FCS_SENS1ID, sens_data);

@ted-miller is there an updated manual for MotoPlus API? I have checked all available manuals on motoman page and did not find any description of these functions.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

@iydv: thanks for looking into this.

I can obtain F/T values from registers.

Are you reading the registers referenced by the documentation I mentioned in the OP?

Unfortunately, it is not convenient to constantly send requests via service call, the values should be published on the topic.

indeed. That's what "best make use of" in the issue title would investigate :)

For HC robots specifically, joints are equipped with torque sensors. This allows for both torque readings per joint, as well as derivation/estimation of F/T values at the flange/TCP.

One of the things we could do is make use of the torque sensor data and report it in the JointState messages we publish. (edit: perhaps not, see https://github.com/Yaskawa-Global/motoros2/issues/184#issuecomment-1781089575)

And the estimated F/T data could be published as a Wrench, as I write in the OP.

Reading M-registers does not need to go through ROS services, MotoROS2 can read those directly as we do in Ros_CtrlGroup_GetFBServoSpeed(..) fi for joint velocity:


We could perhaps use the M-registers with joint torque sensor data here:


or add an additional function that gets used on HC platforms.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

And the estimated F/T data could be published as a Wrench, as I write in the OP.

Note that geometry_msgs/msg/Wrench(Stamped) is already included in M+ libmicroros we distribute with MotoROS2. See the build_info.yaml included in the .zip.

iydv commented 8 months ago

Are you reading the registers referenced by the documentation I mentioned in the OP?

yes, I have also found this information before, since we have required reading F/T values for our application. I have been using read_mregister function to read TCP forces for several month and it works fine. However, it requires additional configuration of parameters on the robot.

If it is fine to implement publisher in MotoROS2 by reading M-registers, I can do that. Do you want to publish F/T data to separate topic? And which data should be retrieved? Currently, following possible:

1) Estimated TCP force: Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz and force resultant F 2) Estimated external torque for each axis 3) Raw sensor data for each axis from 2 channels.

Maybe it is good to publish all that information on 2 different topics: 1) TCP + estimated external joint torque 2) Raw sensor data split by channel.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

I'd suggest we try to stick to standard ROS messages and APIs as much as possible, at least for an initial implementation.


Estimated TCP force: Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz and force resultant F

as a geometry_msgs/msg/WrenchStamped.

We'll have to investigate some conventions around topic(s) typically used for this sort of data (other robot drivers fi).

Let's keep the effort low for now, and prototype something around the WrenchStamped publisher.

We can then take a look at the rest of the available information later and decide how to best make that available to ROS applications.

I have been using read_mregister function to read TCP forces for several month and it works fine. However, it requires additional configuration of parameters on the robot.

we can probably embed / integrate the needed parameter changes in either the ParameterLib or MotoROS2 itself, such that this configuration is done automatically. We could potentially make this conditional on some setting in the MotoROS2 config .yaml.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

As to implementation, some initial thoughts:

we can update this list if/when needed.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

Just thought of something:

Estimated external torque for each axis

we could perhaps publish this on a separate topic (so not joint_states) as a JointState message with just the name and effort fields populated.

According to docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/msg/JointState the effort field should technically only be used to report:

  • the effort that is applied in the joint (Nm or N).

that seems like it should not be used to report "estimated external torque for each axis", at least not on the main joint_states topic.

Having that data available in a ROS application would still be valuable though, so we could see about making it available.

iydv commented 8 months ago

ok, I will try to implement the first version and we can discuss the details once I finish it.

ted-miller commented 8 months ago

I have tried to use the following functions:

extern int mpFcsGetForceData(MP_FCS_ROB_ID rob_id, int coord_type, int uf_no, MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data); extern int mpFcsGetSensorChannelData(MP_FCS_SENS_ID sens_id, MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data);

@iydv, these functions are for a very specific function, called MotoFit. It only works with a special addon board and specific sensor. (I'm not sure why they're published in the public documentation.)

we probably need to detect whether the platform/robot is an HC series and only then activate the discussed publisher: perhaps GP_isPflEnabled() could be used for this, although technically it doesn't seem like a proper test (there could be other robots except HCs -- in the future -- which would pass this test (ie: have PFL) but not necessarily have the data we're discussing available)

I don't see how PFL could be "certified safe" without the additional FT sensors in each joint.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

I have tried to use the following functions: extern int mpFcsGetForceData(MP_FCS_ROB_ID rob_id, int coord_type, int uf_no, MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data); extern int mpFcsGetSensorChannelData(MP_FCS_SENS_ID sens_id, MP_FCS_SENS_DATA sens_data);

@iydv, these functions are for a very specific function, called MotoFit. It only works with a special addon board and specific sensor. (I'm not sure why they're published in the public documentation.)

they're not AFAIK.

They are listed in mpSrvoFcs.h.

we probably need to detect whether the platform/robot is an HC series and only then activate the discussed publisher: perhaps GP_isPflEnabled() could be used for this, although technically it doesn't seem like a proper test (there could be other robots except HCs -- in the future -- which would pass this test (ie: have PFL) but not necessarily have the data we're discussing available)

I don't see how PFL could be "certified safe" without the additional FT sensors in each joint.

could be, but I just don't like relying on indirect evidence.

I'd rather have something which conclusively tells me "this platform has the necessary sensors installed" (ie: feature detection) than "this is model X, which you should trust has feature Y available".

ted-miller commented 8 months ago

they're not AFAIK.

They are. I asked YEC about them a while back. Technically, that sensor could be used without MotoFit. So someone decided to put them in the public API.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

Technically, that sensor could be used without MotoFit. So someone decided to put them in the public API.

so would that mean we could detect whether a controller is configured with such a sensor and then publish that data on the same topic we're discussing above, even if the robot is not in the HC series?

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

@iydv: just curious whether you've had any chance to look into what we discussed above.

Really just a friendly ping.

iydv commented 8 months ago

I have just finished testing the first version this week. Took me longer than I thought. See #188

ted-miller commented 8 months ago

so would that mean we could detect whether a controller is configured with such a sensor and then publish that data on the same topic we're discussing above, even if the robot is not in the HC series?

I don't know if we could detect the presence of a sensor. But I don't think it's relevant. I've never seen one of these sensors be used outside of a MotoFit application.

It seems that they have even removed these API from the latest documentation.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 months ago

so would that mean we could detect whether a controller is configured with such a sensor and then publish that data on the same topic we're discussing above, even if the robot is not in the HC series?

I don't know if we could detect the presence of a sensor. But I don't think it's relevant. I've never seen one of these sensors be used outside of a MotoFit application.


It seems that they have even removed these API from the latest documentation.

yes, that's what I meant with my https://github.com/Yaskawa-Global/motoros2/issues/184#issuecomment-1781266765.