YaskawaEurope / ros2-starter-for-yaskawa-robots

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Error while running simulation #2

Open ivanrulik opened 3 months ago

ivanrulik commented 3 months ago

setup: ROS2 Humble on x64 laptop

After following the setup from the repository I try to follow the Run robot simulation section to launch and test the control of the robot.

I'm attaching the log of the terminal that was running this command: ros2 launch moveit_resources_moto_moveit_config sim_start.launch.py

I do appreciate any advice debugging this


rureverek commented 1 month ago

Same for me.. Also it seems like "warehouse_ros_mongo" package is not accessible on Humble anymore

axelssons commented 1 month ago

I also have this issue! Did you find a solution?

yeu-geissdoerfer commented 1 month ago

@ivanrulik could you please try the procedure described in the following PDF? Move Robot via MoveIt.pdf

Have you followed the Installation instructions, like described in the following link? https://github.com/Yaskawa-Global/motoros2?tab=readme-ov-file#installation

ivanrulik commented 1 month ago

@yeu-geissdoerfer Thanks for checking in. I'll try that and I'll let you know how it goes.

My issue was initially with the simulation as I wanted to guarantee a good understanding and use of it before plugging any robot to it

ivanrulik commented 4 weeks ago

@yeu-geissdoerfer I can confirm that the PDF instructions return a successful run and I was able to control our GP8.

Still I need to get the simulation running

Also I'm trying to control a GP8 that we have here with an external axis but so far it doesn't move

yeu-geissdoerfer commented 4 weeks ago

@ivanrulik okay that is good that the PDF worked for you.

I will check the simulation and will let you know.

Could you please open an extra ticket for your external axis problem. So that we keep the issues seperated.

yeu-geissdoerfer commented 4 weeks ago

@ivanrulik I tried ros2 launch moveit_resources_moto_moveit_config sim_start.launch.py.

I was able to move the robot in the simulation via the "joint value slider" and plan a path.

Can you please give more general information regarding your problem.

I see the following error in the logs: [ros2_control_node-5] [WARN] [1713302534.626443872] [controller_manager]: [Deprecated] Passing the robot description parameter directly to the control_manager node is deprecated. Use '~/robot_description' topic from 'robot_state_publisher' instead. [ros2_control_node-5] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' [ros2_control_node-5] what(): no ros2_control tag

Did you tried building your workspace again? cd colcon_ws_... colcon build source install/setup.bash

ivanrulik commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @yeu-geissdoerfer.

My step-by-step process goes as follows:

  1. I run source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash on the terminal
  2. I followed the steps here (long story short git clone the repo and colcon build it) but I get this errors: quickstart_error.txt
  3. Since that doesn't work I tried to fix the dependencies by running this repo but I get the same error when I want to colcon build the ros2-starter-for-yaskawa-robots project
  4. I figured that the solution would be to build the dependencies within this project and I made this modified script
  5. After running that script on the root of the project it allows me to do colcon build without major errors
  6. Now I follow this section from this repo
  7. Now in RViz I move the end effector of the robot and I press Plan & Execute but I get this: image

I hope that after seeing this you could tell what step I'm skipping or missing since I do really want to get this working and build upon it for robots like motomini, gp25 and so.

yeu-geissdoerfer commented 3 weeks ago

@ivanrulik Do you have an external axis connected in your setup at this time? If yes, are you using the single_arm_with_ext_axis INFORM Job (https://github.com/Yaskawa-Global/motoros2/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#example-inform-jobs)

ivanrulik commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @yeu-geissdoerfer,

Just to clarify, I don't have an external axis connected to this specific setup. I understand it might be a bit confusing, as I have two GP8 setups: one with an external axis (for issue #3) and one without any extra hardware (this issue #2).

Regarding the simulation, does running ros2 launch moveit_resources_moto_moveit_config sim_start.launch.py depend on having a real GP8 connected? I'm asking because I'm trying to understand the relevance of the question to this issue, which focuses solely on running the simulation.

Thanks for your help!