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Control of GP8 with 1 external axis (b1) #3

Open ivanrulik opened 5 months ago

ivanrulik commented 5 months ago


External Computer:




I'm trying to control the setup mentioned above and so far I'm able to enable the robot and see its position feedback on RViz but nothing more. This means it doesn't respond to any move it commands (xy_start.launch.py).

Extra details:

Here is the output of the /yaskawa/joint_states topic:

    sec: 1718722834
    nanosec: 700522311
  frame_id: ''
- joint_1
- joint_2
- joint_3
- joint_4
- joint_5
- joint_6
- b1_axis
- -0.018152105989980086
- 0.08016008354694902
- -0.026250246232693036
- -0.05207353447942457
- -0.06960437825031096
- -0.03863378886412683
- -0.00673828125
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.10094
- -0.15217999999999998
- 0.18367899999999998
- 0.0063999999999999994
- 0.019264
- -0.003935999999999999
- -0.012298

motoros2_config.zip Move.Robot.via.MoveIt.pdf

yeu-geissdoerfer commented 5 months ago

Are you using the single_arm_with_ext_axis INFORM Job (https://github.com/Yaskawa-Global/motoros2/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#example-inform-jobs)?

ivanrulik commented 5 months ago

I'm not using any specific job as mentioned in that same section:

These jobs are not required. The INFORM job will be automatically generated at startup. These are only provided for convenience to show the required commands if a custom job is required.

I think that by having the modified yaml file mentioned above it will be enough to see and control the external axis from the Linux computer.

Also I was able to control the GP8 + external axis by doing a small modification to this ROS2 node. But this doesn't do any inverse kinematics.

So now I can tell it works doing small modifications but I'm guessing the moveit package needs to be updated following this steps if I want the rest of this project to work. I would appreciate any advice or assistance with this. I have tried to configure the new MoveIt setup in the past for a Moto Mini, but I did not get satisfactory results.

yuutayuuta50 commented 1 month ago

Did the robot end up moving? Even without the external axis, it doesn’t move the same. If it worked for you, could you please share the modifications you made?