Yat3s / life-balance

A WeChat mini-program tailored for Microsoft employees to improve their daily life activities.
93 stars 6 forks source link

[Group Indexing Request] MS Suzhou Toastmaster #70

Closed yisuzheng closed 2 years ago

yisuzheng commented 2 years ago

Please ensure the following requirements before raising your request

Group name(displayed on Life Balance)

[Group name] MS Suzhou Toastmaster

Group icon(File or link, only .png/.jpg/.jpeg supported)

[Group icon] https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9a466e19c747b1aaccdc7ec191597a66?rik=ZXRn%2buuZmaHHyA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fphotos.prnewswire.com%2fprnfull%2f20130222%2fMM64912LOGO&ehk=wZRqlQQRFCa3Kb0KCstRMNyjGKj27MwENBVIn5RJ8a0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0



Picture for promotion(Optional)

Yat3s commented 2 years ago

Close as indexed.