YazhouZhu19 / RPT

[MICCAI 2023] Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation via a Region-enhanced Prototypical Transformer
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About the code section in the paper compared to other models #2

Closed WangBingJian233 closed 9 months ago

WangBingJian233 commented 9 months ago

Dear author, thank you very much for your outstanding contribution. May I ask you about the comparison experiments with other models in your paper? For the two papers CRAPNet (WACV'23) and SR&CL (MICCAI'22), I did not find the source code published by the author. May I ask whether the author published the source code but I did not find it? Or did you reproduce it yourself from the original paper? (Is it convenient for you to publish the source code for these two models?)

YazhouZhu19 commented 9 months ago

Hi, Sorry for the delay in replying. I didn't find the implement code of CRAPNet and SR&CL.