Ybalrid / PST4-TeleRoom

Room based online telepresence project for ESIEA
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Implement Client via RakNet #2

Open Ybalrid opened 7 years ago

Ybalrid commented 7 years ago

Implemeting an Annwvyn UserSpaceSubsystem that can talk to a server via RakNet

Ybalrid commented 7 years ago

Some basic message exchange exist right now.

Client is "aware" if it's connected or not, and will send some "echo" and "heartbeat" packet to the server. It will also print on the console if the heartbeat ACK have been receive and matched.

Ybalrid commented 7 years ago

Got transmission of head pose and dispatch via the server running. Even with a server actaully online, behind a NAT on a crappy ADSL box. Whooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!

Ybalrid commented 7 years ago

Hand poses are working, and clients are sending your voice to the server, server is broadcasting to all the clients.

But client aren't doing anything when getting voice data back (yet).