YePpHa / YouTubeCenter

YouTube Center is a userscript designed to expand the functionality of YouTube. It includes the ability to download the video you're watching, auto selecting your preferred video quality and much more.
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[Feature Request] Transparent player should show the standard controls when not started #1985

Open mleyen opened 9 years ago

mleyen commented 9 years ago

I have just been forced to the new transparent player.

With the old player, when "prevent autoplay" and "prevent autoload" are enabled, it shows the standard controls (progress bar and volume bar) before the video is started, allowing you to view the progress bar preview before you start, or for that matter, to start anywhere you want.

The transparent player only shows the big play button. Is it possible to have the old behavior with the new player?

Also, is there an option I missed in YTC settings to force the old player?

Trueffel commented 9 years ago

I'd be interested too. This one is so ugly. I really dont understand why YT forces some of the things they do....

The bar also doesn't extend to the edge anymore. I used to just flip the mouse in the lower right and hit the button blindly to get out of the full screen, but that now, just starts/pauses the clip. I just dont get it. Whats the point of this empty space...

snintendog commented 9 years ago

Good to know that I'm not the only one who hates transparent/hidden controls.

mleyen commented 9 years ago

I started up Firebug and made up a fix for it.

If you have Stylish installed (or whatever is the Google Chrome equivalent), add this as a new style :

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {
.unstarted-mode .ytp-chrome-bottom,
.unstarted-mode .ytp-progress-bar-container,
.unstarted-mode .ytp-progress-bar {
display: block !important;


You also need some JavaScript using Greasemonkey.

// ==UserScript==
// @id   
// @name           YT remove aria-hidden
// @version        1.0
// @namespace      
// @author         
// @description    
// @include        http*://*
// @run-at         document-end
// ==/UserScript==

var controls = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-chrome-bottom')[0];


I don't know how to upload Greasemonkey files, so you'll have to copy and install it manually.

snintendog commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately that isn't fixing the god awful player design memleyen. Using Firefox 39.0 YTC Dev 531

ackern commented 9 years ago

Can someone please clarify for me, is this feature request for getting the old player style back, the one where the progress bar and controls are not transparent and do not auto-hide? If not then I will submit a new request.

I fkin hate the new design. Complete shitty disaster, it makes my head explode. I can't imagine what kind of fktard would design such crap.

Firefox 28

snintendog commented 9 years ago

there are some userstyles out there that fix this now some work nice with YTC others not so much and require a bit of manual tweaking.

ackern commented 9 years ago

What is a userstyle? I've used userscripts/Greasemonkey and tons of FF add-ons but not userstyles. I'm on Firefox.

ackern commented 9 years ago

PS - Just now I set YTC to use Flash rather than HTML5 player and so far that seems to get the better, old player back (black, non-hiding progress and controls bar).

snintendog commented 9 years ago

they use the stylish addon (FF and chrome)and change css on sites is a rather large site of them

snintendog commented 9 years ago

yeah but flash with YTC is buggy as crud

ackern commented 9 years ago

flash with YTC is buggy as crud

I used Flash with YTC up until just a couple months ago and could live with it. I think the only major problem I had was stuff with player resizing, theater mode, large/small player etc, but that's not a huge deal. Also maybe the DASH thing where buffer loading gets messed up.

Anyway for me personally, old-style progress bar is a ton more important the player size and buffer preloading .

ackern commented 9 years ago

there are some userstyles out there that fix this now some work nice with YTC others not so much and require a bit of manual tweaking.


I was panicking about the insane number of styles and there's no way to zero in on one for getting the old controls back but then on maybe the 3rd page there's "Youtube controls under player" and it seems to be working for HTML5 player. [EDIT - INCORRECT, IT HAS A BUG - SEE POST BELOW] You have to use it as a script not Stylish.

snintendog commented 9 years ago

I am working on a css userstyle and have a test build userscript version all i need to do is fix the progress bar not updating current time its code is on my timing is horrible. Did they fix the mouse hover problem that i am having trouble implementing?

ackern commented 9 years ago

Oh crap, yes, the time and progress don't update when the cursor is away, with "Youtube control under player".

snintendog commented 9 years ago

They did good lord on gravy and huh he started around the same time i did whelp difference between amateur and pro. I stink

ackern commented 9 years ago

OK I have tried these and they all have different problems so my best solution is still to use Flash player: - doesn't do anything at all - userscript makes bars black and stops auto-hide except doesn't update when cursor is away - makes bars black but they still auto-hide

snintendog commented 9 years ago

noticed you didn't use the greasemonkey style of youtube-controls-under-player he renamed it but left a link in the description of the user style

ackern commented 9 years ago

I did try youtube-new-ui-fix but forgot to say that in my post - sorry, my mistake. Here is the corrected report. Note the weird glitch in the first one. - doesn't do anything at all. Is a userstyle but it _shows up in FF as a userscript_

Two versions of the same tool by the same person. Both give me the same effect: brings back black bars and stops auto-hide, but doesn't update when cursor is away. The author says the script version updates the time, but it doesn't. - makes bars black but they still auto-hide.

snintendog commented 9 years ago

Then you got a problem with firefox youtube-New-UI-Fix works with YTC activated. I have firefox 39.0 greasemonkey 3.2 and stylish all working properly.