YePpHa / YouTubeCenter

YouTube Center is a userscript designed to expand the functionality of YouTube. It includes the ability to download the video you're watching, auto selecting your preferred video quality and much more.
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Aggressive Flash no longer works due to YouTube change today #2436

Open dinsdalepiranha opened 7 years ago

dinsdalepiranha commented 7 years ago

At least in some browsers (SeaMonkey on Linux here) YT has started blocking Flash as of earlier today:

Maybe just a matter of some JavaScript tweaks to get it back, though?

thinkpad4 commented 7 years ago

I hope @YePpHa adds a option to disable this html5 change

Xan-Kun commented 7 years ago

I can confirm, tested in FF, Opera and Chrome. With addon and user-script. It seems flash is gone for good.

dinsdalepiranha commented 7 years ago

I did notice that it still works in embedded videos, however...

Xan-Kun commented 7 years ago

@dinsdalepiranha can you elaborate? I just tried with the standard (YT generated) html code and still end up with a nasty CPU killing \<video> tag. :-)

dinsdalepiranha commented 7 years ago

@Xan-Kun With this code: `


Embedded: Same video directly on YouTube:

digideth commented 7 years ago

I doubt if there is anything that can be done. There is a userscript on that google forum link above that supposedly embeds the video on the youtube page you are on so the flashplayer loads but I couldn't get it to work.

Xan-Kun commented 7 years ago

@dinsdalepiranha What Broser is that and which plugin/addon? I tried your code and still got to html5. Did you load it from an actual server or was it a file:// url?

dinsdalepiranha commented 7 years ago

@digideth @Xan-Kun @Leifman27 @thinkpad4 The script in this post of the above thread does work, at least for me. In YouTube Center settings make sure External Players > Player Type is set to Aggressive Flash then add this userscript to Greasemonkey or whatever:

// ==UserScript==
// @name          YouTube Force Flash via Embed
// @namespace     YT_forceflashembed
// @description   Force Flash player by embedding YouTube in YouTube. From:
// @version 1
// @include       **
// @grant         GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
// Notes:
//   * is a wildcard character
//   .tld is magic that matches all top-level domains (e.g. .com,, .us, etc.)
/* ____80_character_separator________________________________________________ */
window.setTimeout(function() {
  var embedFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
  embedFrame.src = location.href.replace("watch?v=", "embed/"); = "width: 100%; height: 100%;";
  var player = document.getElementById("player-api");
  player.innerHTML = "";

Note that all of your other "External Players" YT Center preferences will now be in effect on YouTube itself (autoplay, default resolution, etc.) so you can't have a separate set of prefs for embedded YT videos anymore.

Chazzen commented 7 years ago

@dinsdalepiranha Just wanted to say thanks for that script. It works perfectly and has saved me from the many HTML5-induced FF crashes I have been suffering through.

Xan-Kun commented 7 years ago

@dinsdalepiranha Thanks a lot, I got it to work! The trick for me was, to remove the ".user" part from the file name.

Xan-Kun commented 7 years ago

Does anyone have a pointer for me where to start reading when I want to understand what's actually going on? I am really curious why it is so hard to deactivate the YT-auto-detection with an early (before page load) userscript.

Maurogch commented 7 years ago

I was waiting for an update, but it seems that we'll have to wait a bit more, thanks for sharing a workaround.

There's an update for the script thats posted above, it seems playlists weren't working: change: embedFrame.src = location.href.replace("watch?v=", "embed/"); to embedFrame.src = location.href.replace(/watch\?v=([^&]*).*/, "embed/$1");

and add unsafeWindow.spf.dispose(); after player.appendChild(embedFrame);

Also follow this link for another more complete script based on the above one. (don't know how it behaves with Youtube Center)

MasterBLB commented 7 years ago

Hey mates. How to use that script for Opera 12.18 browser?

Xan-Kun commented 7 years ago

@MasterBLB I just put it in the "User Javascript Folder" and make sure, it ends only with ".js". As a ".user.js" extension will not have sufficient rights.

thinkpad4 commented 7 years ago

The workaround seems to have stopped working, anyone else have a workaround?

Xan-Kun commented 7 years ago

Same here.