YehudaKremer / msix

Create Msix installer for flutter windows-build files.
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[BUG] A web view carsh #207

Open millie-molly opened 1 year ago

millie-molly commented 1 year ago

building app or making msix using own signing certificate works fine. But using a "store: true" property, and upload my app to microsoft store, a web view cannot be opend.

Here is my pubspec

msix_config: display_name: 0000 publisher_display_name: 0000 identity_name: 805539FD.237000C91D181 publisher: CN=Contoso Software, O=Contoso Corporation, C=US msix_version: logo_path: ./windows/runner/resources/app_icon.ico store: true protocol_activation: 0000 capabilities: 'internetClient, internetClientServer, privateNetworkClientServer' sign_msix: true

I am using web view plugin "" I do check WebView2 Runtime is installed.

Please help me

YehudaKremer commented 1 year ago


Can you try to find the crash log in the Event Viewer?

millie-molly commented 1 year ago


I looked up eventvwr.msc, but there is nothing special.

The web view crash only, app is fine.

A Web view pop up and about 1-2 seconds later, disappears without any warning .

millie-molly commented 1 year ago

오류 있는 응용 프로그램 이름: 000.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x6494f974 error module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.789, timestamp: 0x2bd748bf exeption code: 0xc0000409 error offset: 0x000000000007286e error process ID: 0xf4 error program start time: 0x01d9ad6f75009017 error program path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\805539FD.237000C91D181_1.0.5.0_x64__h0m4zgj2tb55p\millie.exe error module path: C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll report ID: f3d0b06e-4c79-4803-9866-1cc929296a67 package full name: program ID:

I am not sure, but it could be a crash log


error bucket 1783919724108014828, type 5 event name: BEX64 response: inavaliable Cab ID: 0

problem: P1: 000.exe P2: P3: 6494f974 P4: ucrtbase.dll P5: 10.0.19041.789 P6: 2bd748bf P7: 000000000007286e P8: c0000409 P9: 0000000000000007 P10:

attached file: \?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER5073.tmp.dmp \?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER51DC.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml \?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER51EC.tmp.xml \?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER53BC.tmp.csv \?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER53FB.tmp.txt

the file can use next \?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_millie.exe_da8035a19f736e9fba2abfeb5afc33f40a189fd_90863034_5fa2e282-206a-4f07-a13d-3dcf2da8afac

search code: Resolve Resolution : 0 report ID: f3d0b06e-4c79-4803-9866-1cc929296a67 report status : 268435456 hashed packet: 1828f2bb7d78fcc448c1c189974564ec Cab Guid: 0